Emoticon interpretation game

:lol: @ Rusty

Uh oh! While Rusty was hallucinating, someone shaved off his eyebrows.
He draws some back on but as you can see he's not much of an artist.
"Oh what the hell, they're just eyehats."
The lack of eyebrows makes his eyes spin around in his head.
He applies some rouge to his cheeks because everyone tells him how pretty his new look is.
Time for bed. Rusty washes off the makeup and draws on slits for eyes and a mouth.

:bah: :erk: :oops: :tickled: :Spin: :OMG:
:lol: I'm quite handy with a pen, aren't I??

Caelestia is annoyed that Rusty has gone to bed.
Now who will show her their parts??
Just thinking about it makes her blush.
Now she giggles at the thought.
She thinks maybe he'll do it tomorrow.
But now she realises how long she'll have to wait before he wakes up again.

Okay, I'll stop this storyline now. ;)

Dreaming about the storyline rusty's mouth curls into a smile.
When the dream goes on he starts laughing.
But then he realizes that it's based on reallife-fiction...
Ah, but he wasn't the only one enjoying it
Now he realizes who it was that was enjoying it with him he start moving a bit more in his bed.
But then he starts and wakes up... I hope there weren't to many more people who enjoyed this....

:OMG: :Spin: :Smug: :wave: :yell:
Lhorian is excited because he's just won the lottery.
He quits his job and jumps back into bed.
He realizes it's not his bed.
"Hello," says Rusty.

:lol: :err: :Shedevil: :D :cry: :bah:
Caelestia thinks she's funny.
Lhorian doesn't.
She tells him to lighten up.
He eventually sees the funny side of it.
Rusty doesn't though, he's upset.
The other two complain that he's such a baby.

HA! Caelestia really burnt you, Rusty
Unlike your stories
When I grow up, I wanna be like Caelestia
Actually, that sounds sort of creepy...sorry
She's still cool though

:D :oops: :bah: :err: :cry:
Incendiare is pretty cool herself.
I'll shut up before this turns into an arse-kissing post.
People might complain.
But really, do I give a damn?
Waah, who am I fooling?

:ill: :Spin: o_O :tickled: :erk:
All this arse-kissing is making me ill.
But then you all deserve it.
Wait, now I'm kissing arse.
Hehe, I'm such a hypocrite.
Oh wait, that's probably bad.

Arse? I don't speak your language
Oh wait, I do
Heh, go figure
What am I talking about again?
Oh yeah, Rusty's handicaps
Or is it me with the handicap?

:( :erk: :cry: :heh: :lol:
I have handicaps.
This is bad.
This is very bad.
No wait, Incendiare does instead.
This is very funny.

I'm sick of being the handicap
Now I'm mad
What am I mad about?
Ohhh... that
*refuses to tell anyone, lest they'd...*

:Smug: :loco: :worship: :tickled: :zzz: :yuk:
Hmm..I'm bored, and need something to do.
I'll lick random people
I just licked Heather Locklier "I'm not worthy!"
She laughs.
I realize she's laughing at the fact that I'm weird.
Wait..that wasn't Heather Locklier, it was Fabio!

:yell: :erk: :OMG: :D :hotjump: :wave:
Hey, check out my death-growls.
What do you mean, "they're crap"??
I thought everyone liked them.
Oh, you were just kidding.
You really thing they're great??
Fine, run away then, see if I care.

Rusty said:

I can't believe no one else other than the handful of us wants to play this game!
Doesn't anyone like to think?
Oh well, we can just pretend that we're 'elite.'
Or... are we just losers with nothing to do?
Hell no, we're cool!

Damn rights we're elite
Our twisted stories show how intelligent we are
We will never run out of ideas
Like I said, we're better than you
*runs off and hypnotizes random people*

:cry: :) :bah: :headbang: :err:
I've ran out of ideas.
Oh but I'm doing it, I must be okay.
Now I feel foolish.
I should headbang instead, this will hide it. Whee, look at my hair go.
Wait, I've suddenly gone bald.

What the bloddy 'ell was that about?
I'm speaking like Rusty
Oh no, I'm turning British on everyone
British people are crazy
and support Bush Jr.

;) :cry: :zzz: :lol: :D
Mmmm, cheese.
No, cheese is nice, no matter what you say.
You really don't like cheese??
Only strange people don't like cheese... I feel sickened now.
