Emoticon interpretation game

Hearse said:
Hearse waves hi and joins the game finally!
He reads the posts and thinks we're pretty shite at this.
After awhile he starts to enjoy them.
He does some eye exercises to relax his muscles.
Gee, what muscle could that be?
What's that on Hearse's screen?
I didn't need to see that...

:tickled: :hotjump: :zzz: :p :worship: :erk: :D
Caelestia said:
:tickled: :hotjump: :zzz: :p !:worship: :erk: :D

Caelestia smokes some weed and laughs at a wall
then she drops the joint and catchews fire
then she falls asleep
then she wakes up and is jolly about the whole incident
then she thanks god for saving her
then a waffle falls on her head
then she eats it

Rusty goes to a bar and drinks up
The ladies are swarming all over him
Ok, get a room!
Rusty invites some hooker back into his apartment
You knocked her up?!
You baaaaaad boy

:D :p :erk: :cry: :zzz:
Incendiare finds $20 on the sidewalk
She goes to a movie theater and gets free tickets to a movie
She finds out that the movie is about a group of nuns who go arond giving unwanted enemas to homeless people
A used enema hit her in the head
She leaves and meditates to get the awful movie out of her head

Steve420 said:
Steve is excited about his big day out.
He sees a pair of blind guitar-playing twins trying to earn some cash on the street corner.
After trying to steal their money, he zips off in his snazzy car.
But what he doesn't know is he is being followed by a very small man in a hugeass car.
Meanwhile, the devil has snuck into Steve's room and wreaked havoc on his computer, but not before tying his pet er... rabbit to a cane.
Steve's extraordinary sixth sense propels him back home in a super hi-tech aircraft to save his beloved rabbit.
Everyone's attention is diverted as Ron Jeremy makes a cameo appearance. Oh well. Better luck next time, Steve ;)

I can't believe Li actually did that
I couldn't have
I'm mad because...I just am
I know, I'm crazy
And because I'm mad, someone is gonna pay for it
But it's not anyone on this board, though

:erk: :D :kickass: :zzz: :cry:
Incendiare comes home to find her house on fire
Then she finds out that Michael Jackson was inside when it burned down
After that she drinks lots of beer to forget about it
She passes out from all the alcohol
Then she finds out Michael Jackson survived

Steve feels delirium setting in as he mourns over the loss of his beloved bunny, Bunny.
Sometimes it's all too much to handle, and he's often nauseous in the mornings.
One day a sheep skips her way to Steve's. "Baaa," says the sheep. "Keeep meeeeh!"
Steve, outraged that a sheep could even think of replacing Bunny, sends 3 deformed wombats out to beat the crap out of the sheep.
Suddenly, a giant bluish-white mythical bird swoops down and says, "Stop this evilness!"
Flowers spring out of nowhere.
A guy in a tank comes up and asks, "What the hell is going on!"
Steve guns him down like the madman he is.
Steve also guns down a terrified civilian.
Ahh, therapy! Steve is happy now. Yay.


Caelestia yells in frustration.
She shouldn't have done that, not she's surrounded by weird blue alien-things.
"Hey, aliens!! Cool!!" she says excitedly.
Then they change form and become a fish.
Cael sticks her tongue out at it, she's not impressed.
She starts to drool as she thinks about eating the fish.
But instead she drinks beer, much nicer than fish.

I can't be arsed with fancy smilies, so: :bah::err::yell::D:oops::worship:
When you're bummed, you like to grumble.
But what's the bloody point?
Screaming provides some relief but you know the same ol' shite will return time and again.
You can try to be brave and 'proactive' and paste a big fake smile on.
Or paint your cheeks red for no real purpose.
But what you really want is to bang your head on the ground till you pass out.

:guh: :zombie: :D :Spin: :oops: :ill:
When you pull faces you turn into a nutter but you are really pleased with this, you become so excited you spin around and put some blusher on when you've done all that you feel ill.

:devil: :lol: :yell: :wave: :Smokedev:
Profånity said:
When you pull faces you turn into a nutter but you are really pleased with this, you become so excited you spin around and put some blusher on when you've done all that you feel ill.

:devil: :lol: :yell: :wave: :Smokedev:
Profanity allows his inner self to seep through his mundane body.
He tries to laugh it off when all his friends tell him what he truely is...
Then, it clicks...and in a exclamation on rage and despair at his true roots, he decides to go to his first DOHA meeting (Demons of Hellfire Anonymous).
Profanity is now at peace with himself.
The End...or is it???

:Spam: :zombie: :cry: o_O :worship: !:OMG: !:kickass: :guh: :p :oops:
Kiddies, it's time to start the day with a nice blob of SPAM.
Might not go down so well if you've been drinking the previous night.
What's that? It's all coming back up your throat?
Hold it in. Now yank lollies off their sticks and glue them to your eyeballs.
Let's follow up with some exercise! A 1 and a 2 and a 3!
Drop that jaw!
Oh fuck it, have a drink.
Bloody hell, will this post ever end?
Patience, grasshoppa.
I don't know wtf I'm saying :p

:ill: :loco: !:Spam: :p !:worship: :loco: :yuk:
I'm feeling really ill today so I have to spam to feel better, it doesn't work so I feel depressed and stick out my tongue to a police officer, then I put some goggles on and eat some dog shit and after all that I feel sick.

:) :Smokedev: :devil: :(
profanuty is happy because he's having a smoke, then he sets himslef on fire accidentally, that ruined his day.

Thanatos is alive
I thought some cult brainwashed him, which led to a mass suicide
You survived a mass suicide?
Rock on
Who says I can't brainwash you
Or just get you drunk somehow

:cry: :bah: :yuk: :lol: :yell: :Smug:
I'm upset. It feels like the weight of my world is crushing my heart.
You say, stop complaining. Attempt to understand your emotions.
I say, bugger off if you won't help me.
You laugh at my pain.
I retreat into my hole to unleash my frustration.
There is no point in trying to reason with you.

:devil: :loco: :Smokin:
:tickled: :mad: