Emoticon interpretation game

-Antonio poops on nak's hands when he is changing his diaper
-nak gets mad and starts shooting antonio
-when he runs out of bullets he curses
-he feels fine after venting his anger
-nak looks at his son's corpse and starts laughing
Thanatos worships me.
He says I rock.
He thinks he's not worthy.
He's so excited to be around me.
All the attention he gives me makes me feel ill.

Rusty fancies Thanatos back
Ech, this is makeing me sick
It sure as hell isn't making them sick
You guys suck
Rusty and Thanatos are mad they can't express their love for each other in person
So instead, they post love letters for each other on UM day and night

:bah: :) :Smug: :lol: :cry:
John grumbles about Bernards lawn so Bernard grumbles about Johns house and John cries, Bernard still looking smug gives John a smile.

:Smokin: :Smokin: :Smokin: :) :Smokin: :puke: :)
The village drugdealer gives me a few ounces of pot
Being the kind person I am, I share it with three friend
Ech, someone laced it with some unknown substance
Oh well, it's all good

:cry: :D :headbang: :worship: :err:
Incendiare has to go to the dentist for a filling.
She shows the dentist her teeth.
He puts on some metal while he does the filling.
She worships him now, he's so cool.
But why is he laughing so maniacally??


Rusty gets drunk then forgets where he is
Then he sees someone with really nice boobs
Unfortunately, the only way he knows to express his emotions is through smilies and the girl isn''t impressed by him saying "colon kickarse colon"
He feels bad about himself
then he inhales some nitrous oxide
then he vomts from all hs beer

I'm gonna wear my shades to school
Everyone thinks I look cool!
I see the girl I like in the hall
She's Coming up to me!
I think I'll say hi to her
She wants my phone number
I told her I've never dated a girl as pretty as her before.
She laughed and said maybe she'll call me

Sioux is cheesed off cos she found out she had to work back on a Friday arvo while all the res of her workmates get to go down the the bar for some fun....

.....Sioux is mightly surprised when all her workmates bring the bar BACK to work..... it would be unfair for everyone to enjoy themselves but Sioux, what great friends Sioux has......

Everybody parties hard till the wee hours of the morning....

But Sioux tries so hard to 'catch up' to her friends (who had already had a few rounds in her honour at the bar before they were sloshed enough to act on the impulse to pay her a little visit), that she ends up feeling a little 'delicate', in the general direction of the boss' waste paper basket, seeing as teh boss left before everyone came back.....

While not feeling so well, Siouz is soooo happy to have great friends and co-workers like these (who even hold her head up over teh bucket for her ;) )

Spike stares blankly at his computer screen
He realizes I have more posts than him
He tries to close his mouth but it is too stretched out
He worships me
Then he says he's joking
He waves to me
Then he says I'm not as good as him
Then he goes to sleep to recover his lost intelligence

Morning, everyone
Hopefully, we can all kick some ass and have a good day
I don't know what I'm talking about
All this gay banter is making the UM members sick
Heh, losers
Actually, I don't think I'm good enough to post here
I'll just shut up now

:erk: :lol: :yuk: :headbang: :D
Incendiare gets hit in the face with a shovel
That's funny :)
But the dirt makes you feel sick
But getting hit in the face with shovels is tr00 and gr1m nad especially n3cr0
She's happy

Steve is drinking.
He can't take it, so he pukes up.
Now he doesn't like the taste in his mouth.
So he drinks again.
This makes him happy.
Doesn't Steve rock??

Rusty woke up with his eyebrows shaved in a weird way
He notices it
He grins at a random person to scare them
They don't respond
then they light rusty on fire while he is jumpin
then I threw him in a lake

Steve is on one of his random shooting sprees again.
His next-door neighbour screams for him to "quit all that racket."
Steve snorts nefariously with laughter.
He turns around and lets sway his bulbous butt-cheeks to the slowed-down tune of "Shake Your Bonbon" a la Type O.
Steve is such hot stuff that Ricky Martin fangirls flock to him to perform lewd acts upon his manliness.
Ricky Martin is jealous.
Ricky Martin spasms uncontrollably as he becomes an alcoholic.
Steve is thrilled with his accomplishment thus far.
He has dethroned Ricky Martin. What more could he want?

:ill: !!:kickass: :Smug: :Spin: :D :oops: