Emperor fags rejoice

10293847 said:
The band hasn't put out anything worthwhile since Anthems. And even then, i'm stretching it a bit.
Honestly, I've always found Anthems to be their most unlistenable work. HIV Equilibrium, aside from the vocals, is a completely vapid album, but is entirely competent. Prometheus verges on unlistenable at times, but mostly is just "meh". Anthems, on the other hand, is stupidly jarring, and its gay keyboard sections are lacking in any power, possessing only nauseating sentimentallity. Even its absolutely best riffs (Ensorcelled by Khaos) seem like random strings of notes joined together.

It also has "Thus Spake the Nightspirit", which, aside from "An Elegy of Icaros", is the most unlistenable song in the Emperor catalogue.

And to the person who said that Anthems is better than Wrath of the Tyrant- you're gay.
The song Thus Sapke the NIghspririt is awesome, I was just blasting that song in my truck this afternoon
10293847 said:
Awe....someone made fun of your favorite band. :cry:

Quick summary: The band hasn't put out anything worthwhile since Anthems. And even then, i'm stretching it a bit. This band's discography reveals a pattern: They've become better musically, but worse artistically. Yeah yeah, it's just my opinion. Well, I happen to think i'm right.

So you can whine all you want. Hope you feel better. :)

i could care less about you making fun of a band. all opinions about the band aside, whenever someone tries to predict the future on a internet message board like you did, they just sound like an idiot. Your opinions on the band are irrelevent, as are mine. Assuming things like you did, the day you hear the news is just stupid. Plain and simple.
Cynical said:
It also has "Thus Spake the Nightspirit", which, aside from "An Elegy of Icaros", is the most unlistenable song in the Emperor catalogue.

I think it's excellent news.

I personally loved Prometheus and even Equilibrium and have never seen them live before so I'm definitly going. Im not expecting any more albums or anything yet, but at least they are playing a few dates.
Evil Dead said:
I thought Emperor died in a fiery bus crash after releasing Anthems.

I thought they all turned into queens before releasing In The Nightside Eclipse, and then died in a bizarre gardening accident right afterwards...
Cynical said:
Honestly, I've always found Anthems to be their most unlistenable work. HIV Equilibrium, aside from the vocals, is a completely vapid album, but is entirely competent. Prometheus verges on unlistenable at times, but mostly is just "meh". Anthems, on the other hand, is stupidly jarring, and its gay keyboard sections are lacking in any power, possessing only nauseating sentimentallity. Even its absolutely best riffs (Ensorcelled by Khaos) seem like random strings of notes joined together.

It also has "Thus Spake the Nightspirit", which, aside from "An Elegy of Icaros", is the most unlistenable song in the Emperor catalogue.

And to the person who said that Anthems is better than Wrath of the Tyrant- you're gay.
well a big "BOLLOCKS" to that post.

I currently have an inexplicable craving for hash browns.
Yeah I think Prometheus is pretty solid, as do a fair few people, so just cos you dont like it Erik it doesnt mean they shouldnt have released it because you think it's "shit".

I way prefer it to IX Equilibrium anyway.
yeah you dont like it fine, I don't see how you think that means they shouldn't have released it, as lots of people do in fact like it. Anyway, boring, never mind.
Wank fest? What.

Dream Theater is a wank fest, Emperor has always been well written amazingly played music. You sir have an invalid opinion.