Emperor fags rejoice

Erik said:
I think they shouldn't have released it because I hate the guts of that utter shit album, and I feel it would have been better for Emperor to end on a somewhat higher note with "IX Equilibrium" (which still isn't even close to the pre-Anthems stuff, but at least somewhat solid throughout and not a phony sounding Ihsahn wank fest with drums 18 dB above everything else)

Should REALLY not be all that hard to understand this point of view
that's fine then, I can understand that. There's only so much one can infer from the word "shit" though, which is pretty much what I had to go on before.
Heh, well his opinion is very fucking wrong. Calling Prometheus a wank-fest is just fucking stupid.

It just makes me wonder what the fuck he can consider Dream Theater >_>
Anyone else notice how similiar Dimmu Borgir and Emperor are ?

Note* why is there no NP option anymore ?
Yes, they are similar in that one band is very derivative of the other. They are not similar in terms of quality by any means. Emperor set the standard for symphonic metal in 1993, or '94, whenever ItNE came out.

Anyone who is enthusiastic about Prometheus will probably like Peccatum. There are a few good standard Ihsahn riffs, but I think the band is generally better off without them. Still, worth a listen.
Erik is pretty much spot on about Prometheus though. It was my first Emperor album and genuinely killed the band for me. It goes further than just bordering on the unlistenable. I mean, I enjoy a lot of cacophonic and overly complex stuff, but Prometheus is just annoying. The only song that feels it has any flow at all is Empty, and that's very barely.
The Tongue of Fire is one of Emperor's best songs. It's significantly more structured than most of the songs on the album.. It's not nearly as busy or wanky as a lot of the other ones. They do some really interesting things with the downbeats and rhythms. The symphonic work is quite good.

Prometheus is much better than Zyklon in my mind. That's a band that just has some technical as hell riffing, but little coherence in the songs.
Aye, I never claim to be a great poster, so is that supposed to make me cry inside?:cry:
There are many stupid people in this thread (and I, Erik, GoD and Decadent are not among them).