
on the contrary, I think it's very relevant. the people today still do not learn. can we not say then, that we are headed for self-destruction all over again? look around you if you don't think that is so.
Silent Song said:
on the contrary, I think it's very relevant. the people today still do not learn. can we not say then, that we are headed for self-destruction all over again? look around you if you don't think that is so.

Indeed, I denied that the peace in Europe for example is eternal, like many people think. There will always be confilcts. But for now, we got to a very good point around here, because we HAVE learned. And no god threatened us before that.
Emperor is collectively one of the greatest bands on the planet. Who cares what former members have done in their past? Remember Emperor was a second wave Black Metal act and a vital part of the Black (or Inner) Circle. All of the bands in this wave (Mayhem got hit the hardest, so to speak) had their struggles with the law, be it church burnings or murders or whatever. These acts certainly never took anything away from the music, especially the mighty EMPEROR.

Moving along to Opeth, why thank Emperor? Because at the time Opeth was more involved with Black Metal than any other genre. Musically and lyrically; and most importantly, they shared the same record label as Emperor (Candlelight Records, known in the past for their Black Metal roster). These bands had a very small following in 1996, so of course they are going to tend to stick together to strengthen their cause. Morningrise and In The Nightside Eclipse both to this day are one, if not both band's collective bests. And the years have treated them well, here we are in 2005: Opeth has one of the strongest metal releases and next year the newly reunited Emperor will headline the world's greatest metal festival, Wacken. Church burning or not, the music speaks for itself. Cheers!
Silent Song said:
Ponder this: would this have happened had Satan not sought to bring it to pass? And despite the destruction of all his posessions and friends, Job knew that it was not God who had wronged him, and still worshipped him. Or do you only know part of the story?

My point is, you claimed Bush to be so anti-thesis to God in that he orders the murders of innocent people for his own benefit.. is it just me, or is there some kind of similarity here?

Silent Song said:
on the contrary, I think it's very relevant. the people today still do not learn. can we not say then, that we are headed for self-destruction all over again? look around you if you don't think that is so.

I agree. Religion is based, more than anything, on peace. The thing is, this peace is only achievable if people are all going to follow the same path. That is never going to happen. There are too many religions in this world for us to ever unite. Islam is always going to be looked on as the 'terrorist religion'. Christianity will always have a bad name because of the cult-extremits that use it for means unneccessary. Zhen Buddhism will always be some hippy bullshit. Luciferians will always be devil-worshipping cultists that sacrifice goats and dance around fire. There will always be ambiguities; it's human nature.
-Vintersorg- said:
My point is, you claimed Bush to be so anti-thesis to God in that he orders the murders of innocent people for his own benefit.. is it just me, or is there some kind of similarity here?

I agree. Religion is based, more than anything, on peace. The thing is, this peace is only achievable if people are all going to follow the same path. That is never going to happen. There are too many religions in this world for us to ever unite. Islam is always going to be looked on as the 'terrorist religion'. Christianity will always have a bad name because of the cult-extremits that use it for means unneccessary. Zhen Buddhism will always be some hippy bullshit. Luciferians will always be devil-worshipping cultists that sacrifice goats and dance around fire. There will always be ambiguities; it's human nature.
1. none
2. Are you arguing that human nature is divisionary and that we are doomed to failure? surely we are not perfect, and never will be. but if no attempt is made, then no gain will ever be realized. we've already waved the flag of defeat, before even trying, if that is the case.
Here is an old Music Business quote...

Art for art's sake, Hits Single's FFS, hehe.

Have a nice day :)

Ooops, I forgot the word 'single's' well it's got to sort of rhyme hasn't it :D
I only listen to bands that have killed atleast one person. Anything less is just not metal enough. I'm still waiting for a band to come out and openly admit to eating kittens for breakfast on the tourbus. They'd instantly be my favourite band.
I only listen to bands that have killed atleast one person. Anything less is just not metal enough. I'm still waiting for a band to come out and openly admit to eating kittens for breakfast on the tourbus. They'd instantly be my favourite band.
unheated poptarts are more kvlt than cooked kittens. so are corn flakes.

PS: Art for art's sake is art without purpose, and without purpose, it lacks long-term significance.
Silent Song said:
1. none
2. Are you arguing that human nature is divisionary and that we are doomed to failure? surely we are not perfect, and never will be. but if no attempt is made, then no gain will ever be realized. we've already waved the flag of defeat, before even trying, if that is the case.

No I'm arguing that.. wait.. I don't want to argue.. I get enough of that at home ;)
Obviously most people in this thread know little about Norwegian black metal.

Oh PS. Mikael smokes, therefore we cannot listen to Opeth because he endorses cancer and third world slavery.

I am burning all my Opeth stuff as we speak. D:
i would have posted this in the more current Emperor thread, but NFU/other person argued and got the thread closed.

as my sig says, I'm selling an extra ticket for Friday, 14 July EMPEROR gig in NYC, at BBKings club. They're only doing 2 shows in NYC and 2 in CA, which i'm sure have all sold out. GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!
I'll wait a few days, and if no takers, i'm putting it up on eBay.
PM me if interested, or reply in here.
Alteredmindeath said:
The man Faust killed deserved to get fucked up, he was a child molestor. Samoth was not convicted of burning a church down due to lack of evidence, tho he did a week in jail.

i wasnt aware of any child molesting record of faust's victim. you sure you have your facts right?
Korlich said:
I´ve found out that Emperor´s old drummer killed a guy and one of the other band members set fire to a church is this true?

If it is I don´t get why Opeth thanks them on their Morningrise album. And don´t understand how ppl can justify buying records from them thus endorsing murder and church fires?

If I don't abuse he burned more than one church, and some of Arcturus' members were in too. Anyway, I don't buy CDs because I like their lives or their wifes or their acts. I like their musical side. 2 pac too surely did some bad things, and look how much people buy his records. Ok, really bad example :lol: but anyway, you get the picture.
Endar said:
If I don't abuse he burned more than one church, and wome of Arcturus' members were in too. Anyway, I don't buy CDs because I like their lives or their wifes of their acts. I like their musical side. 2 pac too surely did some bad things, and look how much people buy his records. Ok, really bad example :lol: but anyway, you get the picture.

at that time the only members in arcturus were samoth, hellhammer and garm....sooooooo
Korlich said:
Hahahaha hilarious ok I´ll take these one by one.

Michael Jackson has not been convicted of anything anything and there´s a thing called "Innocent till proven guilty". If you feel he is guilty then maybe you shouldn´t buy his records. Oh wait that´s right a lot ppl don´t anymore. I personally believe in the judgement system.

you know, humm ... the judgement system you are talking about didn't recognize samoth was guilty, so you trusting this system means that you don't recognize samoth as guilty. :goggly:

NineFeetUnderground said:
at that time the only members in arcturus were samoth, hellhammer and garm....sooooooo
lolll :P Thanks I didn't know that. You know, I would be..... realllly surprised that Garm took part in these church burnings ahahahaha. Really.