
Yeh.. i get the feeling Glen will get into a bit of bother with the whole "Do i want people to go out and kill Christians? ..When the time is right.." comment.

It was still very, very biased - it's unfair to label the whole genre just because a group of drugged and drunk immature idiots in an religiously oppressive society act like a bunch of cock ends. The guy at the end summed it up - "The majoritory of kids are fine and understand it's just fantasy.. then there's the minoritory of kids who feel alienated, whether it be from their family, friends or school.. who may start developing these sort of ideas.. who find that the lyrics back up their beliefs".
Dissection did come across as pricks, yes. But it annoyed me with how the music was always gloomy and just over the top. I think the Norwegian parents had the right idea of how to deal with it. Their kid seemed to be similar to how i am with my lyrics - i write fantasy, but it's purely fantasy.
That monk dude was ace too. In direct contrast to the twatty priest who was trying to save the kids from the "wrong music". Interesting watch, nothing amazing, less infuriating than i imagined.
hahaha, I agree. Also that Deicide comment of "I advise 'em to put Explicit Lyrics stickers on the CD, it sells more records..." or something similar came across a little iffy. But hopefully he was only joking about that.

Yeah, the Norweigan parents have the right idea, actually taking an interest in their sons hobbies and interests and making sure they understand it.

Good to see some good music on TV for once though!
vampyrouss said:
hahaha, I agree. Also that Deicide comment of "I advise 'em to put Explicit Lyrics stickers on the CD, it sells more records..." or something similar came across a little iffy. But hopefully he was only joking about that.

Yeah, the Norweigan parents have the right idea, actually taking an interest in their sons hobbies and interests and making sure they understand it.

Good to see some good music on TV for once though!
I'd assume he was joking, but it seems a lot of Americans are mainly concerned with money.:erk:
The problem is a lot of parents would get freaked out if they knew that their dearest child was listening to bands who ...gulp... shout and use.. dare i say it.. distortion. I know a lot of parents who would have a heart attack if their kids listened to the music i do. The Norwegian people seem to be that little bit more laid back.
It'd have been better if the music was accompanied by comments other than "THe lyrics are deeply satanic and golrify evil blah blah.. they incite kids to murder.." :p

lmfao.. just remembered how the guy pronounced the album Hell Awaits.. "Hay-ell ...ah-waay-tss"

and there was something said like:
"Black metal bands like Mayhem and CRADLE OF FILTH are popular acts in Norway" .. along those lines at least!
Deadlift said:
If Martin Lopez would kill someone, would you stop listening to Opeth?
Would you stop buying their albums?

Why did you chose to compare Martin Lopez to a murderer? Why not Mike or Peter? Do you have something against Lopez we don't know about? :Spin:

opeth_353 said:
lmfao.. just remembered how the guy pronounced the album Hell Awaits.. "Hay-ell ...ah-waay-tss"

hahaha, yeah, and Cannibal Corpse. He was describing them as if their names and album titles were subtle... :tickled: What the hell kind of music do you expect "Deicide" or Morbid Angel to play...:hypno:

They did seem to mention the lyrics a lot, even though most people who aren't into extreme metal say the vocals are just noise, until they find a way to blame the music on murder, then its obvious what he is growling...

And Mayhem joking that they are going to stop making music and just sell signed pig heads instead! :tickled: Good to see a little humour!
Hügelgräber said:
In fact, America was the first country that seperated religion and state in its constitution.
But indeed, its scary to see how much influence christian fundamentalists got. If a politicain in Europe would think of himself to be on a mission that was given to him by god, people would think he is insane. And I think they would be right.
Bush is out of his mind because God, his supposed benefactor, would never command the slaughter of people.

edit: PS: Jon Snow was referring to the LAW of the United States, which I agree is excellent. however, the Government, and the Politicians, these are corrupted and terrible as rulers. I despise what they have done to our country in the name of a false freedom.
We had a Fight Club theory we were going to use for a sketch show where Tony Blair is telling Bush what to do in secret, but in reality is just a Brad Pitt character... There was more to it, but yeah. Thats why religion should be kept out of politics.
Black Session said:
@jon snow: wtf??? ... why do americans always think they are the only "free" people??? ... in europe there is a BIG separation between church and state, WE invented that! it's european philosophers that wrote al those things in the 18th century ... we had all sorts of revolutions in the 18th and 19th century ...
if anything: the United States is the most dominated by religion country in the western world today! don't you listen to your own president??? how many times does he mention god? ... a meeting in the white house has to be started with prair ... social projects can only get good funding when they are religion based (especially christian of course) ... and a million more examples like this.

there is no european country where religion is so intertwined with politics as in the united states ...
you don't actually think jefferson invented everything he wrote do you?? come on! read some books by voltaire for example, and you will see where jefferson and co got their ideas ...

with your post here you showed that you are one of those americans that is brainwashed like hell, and doesn't know anything that is going on in the world! and by world I mean all those different countries outside the united states! seriously, they should teach more history and geography in the states!

I agree with everything you say. My only point was that churches aren't paid for by my tax money.

You assume so much about me on just one post that I made. Calm down. I meant no offense to other countries. I'm not a chest thumping, nationalistic, Bush whore and I'm plenty aware of the international situation and geography and history. I love our European friends and I realize that America is not perfect. In fact, I despise our current government. I love what America should be, but not what it has become.
Of course Emperor well do this. DO you think theyre jsut a bunch of D&D playing nerds who talk about dragons? No they tourment christains souls in real life. What do you expect black metal to be happy loving metal? Naw jsut some noweragains listening to Venom. Well i love black metal maybe ill start burning things?

now for opeth, the members are nice and humble people relax Emperor is a true black metal band.
@jon snow: i apologize then ;) ... it's just becoming very frustrating with the situation nowadays ...

about that program: i'm going to watch it later today, i taped it since i wasn't at home ... but it sounds like i'm going to enjoy it :p ...
i agree with almost everything that has been said here. my mother was also a bit concerned with my music taste, but i explained a lot of it, and now she understands (though she still hates the extreme parts of the music ;)). opeth can help with this! :D those mellow parts and the intelligence that radiates from it, can show how good metal can be.
but parents should now how they raised their children, and now what sort of person their children are. then when they do something you as a parent don't like, you at least can trust him/her.

@Mire: well said ;) ..
is anyone else familiar with "Black Metal ist Krieg" (for those who don't understand German: Black Metal is War) ... THIS is the very definition actually, although many seem to deny it. oh well ... there are so many wars going on this moment, most of wich the people don't even realize since it's not about 2 armies fighting eachother anymore ... this war against christianity (started by christianity) is merely one of them, one that will keep popping op in the coming century, trust me.
Silent Song said:
Bush is out of his mind because God, his supposed benefactor, would never command the slaughter of people.

Did God not do just that? In the book of Jobs, did God not slaughter Job's friends and family with the sole purpose of proving to Satan that Job would maintain his faith? A thought to ponder..
hibernal_dream said:
Good point. But i'm wondering if anyone here thinks buying clothes from Nike supports child labor? Supplying money to the company allows it to continue exploiting children, even though you're not intending to support it yourself if you buy the clothers because you like the way they look. In the same way you're not intending to support Burzum's ideology by buying it for the music, but I could see an argument that giving money to such a political band encourages its activities. But saying that giving money to a band supports acts which are totally unmotivated by profits is quite ridiculous.

The most intelligent reply to this thread. Thank you. I can see both sides of the argument, but honestly, I think this is one of the dumbest threads I've ever read.
Korlich, if I were to live my life by your philosophies, I would live in a cardboard box and not go anywhere or buy anything or eat anything or talk to anyone. Everything and everyone will have their flaws/immoralities/corruptions. You cannot live this life that way. Oh wait, I wouldn't live in a cardboard box either, the trees were killed for those and it helps accumulate litter!

I have this battle with myself everyday. This world can suck
I'm done ranting now, goodnight.
vampyrouss said:
And Mayhem joking that they are going to stop making music and just sell signed pig heads instead! :tickled: Good to see a little humour!

Yeah I liked the way Necrobutcher explained that most of the fans get the joke...and some people take it too seriously...
I don't have a problem with Samoth being involved in church burnings or Faust killing anyone. Should you go off a band just because someone did something wrong?
Moonlapse said:
Guess we should forget about Noah's Ark then :tickled:
Did he not save Noah, and all the other life, in the story?

He warns the people, the people don't listen. He warns them again and again, and the stupid mischievous people don't listen. Is it his fault?

-Vintersorg- said:
Did God not do just that? In the book of Jobs, did God not slaughter Job's friends and family with the sole purpose of proving to Satan that Job would maintain his faith? A thought to ponder..
Ponder this: would this have happened had Satan not sought to bring it to pass? And despite the destruction of all his posessions and friends, Job knew that it was not God who had wronged him, and still worshipped him. Or do you only know part of the story?
Silent Song said:
Did he not save Noah, and all the other life, in the story?

He warns the people, the people don't listen. He warns them again and again, and the stupid mischievous people don't listen. Is it his fault?

The fault of the devine protagonist in this fairytale is, that he thinks everyone has to do what he wants them to.
It is like a murderer, pointing a gun on his victim, who says: "Stop this and start that, or i will kill you." No one in this world should have this power to judge over life and death.

Ponder this: would this have happened had Satan not sought to bring it to pass? And despite the destruction of all his posessions and friends, Job knew that it was not God who had wronged him, and still worshipped him. Or do you only know part of the story?

Satan made god look good in the bible by times. :D
Hügelgräber said:
The fault of the devine protagonist in this fairytale is, that he thinks everyone has to do what he wants them to.
It is like a murder, pointing a gun on his victim, who says: "Stop this and start that, or i will kill you." No one in this world should have this power to judge over life and death.

Satan made god look good in the bible by times. :D
1. God is not of this world, so I agree with your last sentence. He warned them of the flood, and they didn't listen. Is he to blame for their stupidty?

2. Of course he does, because Satan's goals often fail of their own ambition.
Silent Song said:
1. God is not of this world, so I agree with your last sentence. He warned them of the flood, and they didn't listen. Is he to blame for their stupidty?

Of course he is. As far as I remember, the people in this story made war against each other. But a natural desaster never changed peoples minds. In Central Europe, for example, there had to be World War 2 until the nations got themselves together in peace for a long time (which of couse will not last for all eternity).
Unity and peace can only exist if the people themselves accept this. In the world of the bible, mankind did not develop in a positive way after the flood.

Let religion be religion, and reality be reality. This gets pointless because of our different points of view.