
It has some goosebump raising screams, thats what Ihsahn is truly capable of. His screams give me intense shivers down my spine, hes a god. That song also has so AWESOME prog sounding keyboard melodies, it is one of my favo ont he album.
Yes Emperor as amazing! Very good band...lack of money has yet to let me get Promethius...Sucks being broke. But I love Emperor.

But sometimes...Im torn. I like ALOT of black metal bands.
Dark Funeral
So on and so forth.

But latley, I've fell in love with DESTROYER 666 AGAIN!!!!!!!!
God been into these guys for a while, and on day I brought out
Unchain the Wolves...REALLY GOOD SHIT! I LOVE IT! It's like, black/thrash metal...AMAZING band IMO

But emperor are great...but we have Zyklon now :D I don't know how you guys feel about them...BUT I LOVE THEM! Wold ov Worms is an amazing album to me...so if you feel free to bash me...go ahead :p

Laters all
Emperor are among my favorite black metal bands. And well, I haven't been into black metal for such a long time, but Emperor will definitly be one of the first such bands i will buy an album with.
I really love Emperor as an Extreme PROGMetal band. Even parts of the Wrath demo are really good (just terrible sound to it).

I have the feeling that their absence is akin to the absences that Robert Fripp gives King Crimson every so often. I'm sure Ihsahn will develop Emp again, just not in any sonic form it has previously tried. Also, Ihsahn's been taking "guitar lessons" from, of all people, John Petrucci of Dream Theater (not person to person, mind you)
Why is Prometheus called Prometheus? Pr... is a giant who gave his creations (humans) fire, and was then chained to cliff by the big God person (I can't remember his name) for etenity as punishment and the vultures could peck at his liver. But it would grow back over night so they could come back and peck at his liver more... Yummy... So why is Pr... called Pr...?