EPICA - headcount in Detroit this Sunday


METAL... nuff said!
SOUND OFF! How many of y'all are going to the Epica show this Sunday at the I-Rock? I wanna party with youz guyz, plus if there's enough of you I'll most likely make a big ProgPower USA plug on stage, heh heh!

And if any of you are buying your tickets at the door, let me know, cuz I'm getting more tickets just in case. You can get them from me for $15, cuz I think they're charging $20 at the door. Still waiting for a phone call back from the I-Rock to confirm that.

I am extraordinarily GEEKED to play this show, cuz I wanna leave a helluva good impression for Epica about Detroit's metal scene, and make sure they come back soon.
Don't worry, we'll gladly disappoint you! ;)

I just gotta get there tonight and pick up more tickets, then I'll feel ready. Cuz I wanna make sure people can make it, and not have to pay TicketBastard's service charges. Heh heh!

Are you ready to have your balls kicked by me in a few weeks?

:lol: Good luck on the show with Epica. Say hi to Mark, Yves and Simone for me.
Bitch you were bailing out of the festival! Remember? You're gonna be LICKING balls!

\m/ :p \m/

Hahahaha I look forward to prove you wrong. I'll make you look like Mike Tyson in his last fight. And don't even try to say that "a few days ago you broke your back...your spinal!!!" :lol:
Has anyone else seen them yet on this tour, and can you give me a heads-up about Visions of Atlantis? One show review said people really responded to them and hit their merch booth hard. Were they really that good?

EDIT: And I just learned that Ad is a big table soccer (fooseball) fan. My brother and I will have to go buy one to bring to the I-Rock, and challenge him!!! VICTORY IS OURS!!!
Has anyone else seen them yet on this tour, and can you give me a heads-up about Visions of Atlantis? One show review said people really responded to them and hit their merch booth hard. Were they really that good?

EDIT: And I just learned that Ad is a big table soccer (fooseball) fan. My brother and I will have to go buy one to bring to the I-Rock, and challenge him!!! VICTORY IS OURS!!!

I saw them twice on this tour. Visions of Atlantis impressed the hell out of me simply because their music is good, works well live and they're unbelievable on stage. Lots of energy, and they're among the nicest guys I've ever met in my life. Their singer is always dead on, perfect pitch as far as singing and she's the most charismatic (is that how you say it? Yeah, I'm a damn foreigner) one I've ever seen on stage!! :headbang:
Good luck, Bryan! It'll be an awesome show! Sure wish I could be there, too! Dang, I miss you guys, and the I-Rock! Tell Steve & Ted I said hello, wouldja? They prolly forgot me :ill: :erk: And don't forget to have one of those famous shots Steve mixed up - Jager & Tequila Rose! :loco:

To anyone who hasn't been to the I-Rock - it's amazing! Come early to look at all the music memorabilia! :D
What is with you and wanting to kick people in the balls??? First it was me in the chat now Bryan this must be stopped!!

It's not a personal taste for kicking people in the balls. It's just the first place I think when I want to make them agonize in pain. In that case, however, I could simply drill holes in your nipples with a fork. Is that better? :heh:
The show last night was amazing! It was great to meet Bryan316 - he and his band tore it up :headbang: Here's a pic of Bryan in action.


Visions of Atlantis was pretty good, and Epica was awesome!!

The crowd was small, so we were front row center. Most of the Epica guys were hanging out in the venue up until they played, so we had the chance to talk a little as well as get some pics afterward. Here is the setlist, which doesn't include the encore of Quietus and Consign to Oblivion (YES!).


I'll have more pics in my last.fm journal later today.
They didn't play Never Enough, the first single from the new album? That's bad.

I really hope that's on the setlist in St. Paul tonight. Other than that omission, it looks like a great set.
I wanted to comment on the show I saw in Chicago, Mokena last night. Epica are one of those bands I enjoy on album but would rather listen to other prog/power/melodeath. When it comes to a live setting, I'd rather hear Epica than the majority of prog/power/melodeath stuff in my collection. They have the perfect live sound. Everything comes out just as clear as the studio recording but, obviously, with much more power. Its a real treat to hear Epica live. Whenever they make it to the states, I'll be doing everything in my power to see them yet again.

Prologue / Indigo
The Obsessive Devotion
Mother of Light
Beyond Belief
Menace of Vanity
Living A Lie
Cry for the Moon
Saneta Ferra
Safeguard to Paradise
Crystal Mountain
Façade of Reality
Seif Al Din
The Phantom Agony

Consign to Oblivion

The crowd was pretty small, but lots of mosh pits and high energy. You might notice they didn't play their attempted single for the video "Never Enough."

This setlist is from memory, so you'll have to confuse me if I got "Saneta Ferra" out of place. That is one of my favorite songs from the new album, and I was not expecting them to play it live, which caused me to lose focus on the order of things :loco:.

The new album is 75 mintes of music and lacks the real accoustic instruments for the orchestral bits, so its a bit to adjust to. Consign to Oblivion is obviously better than the new album, but I guess you can expect a setlist to be heavy on new songs (not all bands have Blind Guardian's touring philosophy), so I'm fine with it. That said, I'd have preferred "Chasing the Dragon" over "Living a Lie" and "Beyond Belief" when picking songs from the new album.

After hearing the new songs live, I'm going to have to adjust my relatively low ranking (C+ 78) for the new album back into the B/B- range. When you have 75 minutes of music, its unfair to expect 100% perfection of a 45-50 minute album.

So thats that. I figured you guys would bitch about yet ANOTHER Epica thread and figured I'd add my piece here instead.

The Michael