How the hell did I miss this one??? I've been waiting for this for 10 years.

The first two pages of this thread qualify as BEST OF ALL TIME.

I just tried those frequency boosts and found I had a lot off fizz to tackle....however then I put another EQ after it and olled it off at around 10k, that killed the fizz yet it sounded dull, so then I went back to those frequencies Colin reccommended such as 4-6k and 8-10k to bring the "precence" back up. Is this a good way to do things? Do you usually roll off at around 10k-11k? Does even GOOD guitars have some fizz in them?

If I take the filter off it sounds horrible, because of the higher frequencies that ive boosted. Its hard to explain haha! Should I be using the filter then boosting the high frequencies? I cant seem to nail it :heh: :)

Hope this makes sense...:)

EDIT: Ive just had a listen to that clip Splatt made of the quad tracked guitars he used using Rev MKII I think it was and wow loads of high end fizz! Yet it sounds so awesome in the mix!
using two eqs can help here.
Use one for the surgical cuts ( a good surgical eq!)
then after use a musical eq for your boosts!
Yes sir, Im using a Waves Q10 for all the little boosts and a few cuts then a Q2 I think for the LP/HP, seems to have worked a treat. Have you got any frequencies you like to cut? Ive only got a dip at about 500 and 7k IIRC.
What about if i used multiple miking ? If I have a guitar track thru an amp with a 57 and a 421, should I run a bus to apply the EQ to both tracks, or shouldi apply different EQ on both (wich is what seems the most logical to me)
I'd emphasize what I wanted out of both of them. Boost the things that one mic does well and cut the things that the other mic does better, and then repeat for the other side. After that I might use tweaks like this.
