Erik, you faggot, get in here

erik does it better cause he's really an asshole, shit's tough to earnestly live unless it's heartfelt, it seems to show.

Chromatose said:
erik does it better cause he's really an asshole, shit's tough to earnestly live unless it's heartfelt, it seems to show.

I truely believe Erik has got to be a genuinely nice chap in real life. Same goes for me, I only play an intolerant bigot on the net. In real life I only confide my views to the closest members of my inner social circle. :)
Edit: @ Chromie

No he isn't. He probably doesn't say "boo" to a single soul in real life. One of them people who are mute, anti-social, kinda odd, and 10 years later end up blowing up the WTC. :tickled:
Erik loves life way too much to vent out in terrorist destruction. Any person who researches every fuck known band in metal, has got to have a strong inner appreciation for the few things that make life worth living.
haha yeah I know, just felt like sayin' something. Trying to pass the time this evening, got out of class early and I'm hella bored and all.
so I watched a guy carve a swan out of a 300 pound block of ice with a chainsaw this evening., and damn it was impressive.
Well it's pretty obvious when someone is just reaching out to get attention. But still, acting like a jerk on the internetz is no different than the guy who acts like a jerk in real life just for the sake of it. He may not act like a jerk when he goes home to play with his kitties, but he's still a jerk for all intents and purposes eh
Of course, it's the perfect place for those without the balls to live out their asshole desires, but fake people are fake people, the internet is reality too. Didn't you start a thread about all this anyway?