ESP Custom Shop Alexi guitar

Fremont St. Guitars

New Metal Member
Jul 14, 2009
Hey everybody-

I desperately need to sell this brand new Alexi Signature model I have. It is the original version with a single Seymour Duncan Blackout and a Shaved neck. It also has the thicker stripes on front and back and otherwise is the same as the current model. I know this isn't the best place to sell a guitar but i figured if there were a lot of COB fans here, I might find one that really needed this guitar. If you want pictures or more information email me at or or you can call me at 702-823-4398. I need to sell quickly, however I do need at least 1500-1600 for this guitar. Thanks and I hope I hear from you all soon.

he said it has the solid lines.

The only solid lined cs model is the USA custom shop model that can be seen on bmusic.
And even so that's an expensive ass guitar.
Also I don't think you can actually buy that guitar too many places, as the only place i've ever seen it is ON bmusic so..
he said it has the solid lines.

The only solid lined cs model is the USA custom shop model that can be seen on bmusic.
And even so that's an expensive ass guitar.
Also I don't think you can actually buy that guitar too many places, as the only place i've ever seen it is ON bmusic so..


I actually think I could walk into the local music shop and ask for one and they'd have it there in 2-3 days :smug:
Indeed, I mean, they had it in stock in Musamaailma when we went there in march, and they even had Roope's.

Yeah, so them being rare is as much bullshit as this guy selling! Musamaailma stocks on many ESPs including the Japanese ESP signatures and USA signatures.

This basically means you can go to ANY ESP dealer in Finland and have that guitar within 3 days. Even most non-ESP dealers will order it for you. I can't even think why it would be otherwise anywhere else.

And gais, you do know this might be the STANDARD ALEXI ESP SIG?!?!?! Even if he says custom shop...those go for around 1700€-2000€ If you check ebay.
Yeah, so them being rare is as much bullshit as this guy selling! Musamaailma stocks on many ESPs including the Japanese ESP signatures and USA signatures.

This basically means you can go to ANY ESP dealer in Finland and have that guitar within 3 days. Even most non-ESP dealers will order it for you. I can't even think why it would be otherwise anywhere else.

And gais, you do know this might be the STANDARD ALEXI ESP SIG?!?!?! Even if he says custom shop...those go for around 1700€-2000€ If you check ebay.

I'm not talking about the just the USA ESP's.

please tell me you see the difference

and no, I don't mean the color, I mean the fretboard and so on.

Here is the actual page too
I was talking about the USA ESP Custom Alexi's, you can see the difference on bmusic. I have never seen anyone playing one of those, ever, let alone seen them for sale anywhere but there.

The difference is they have some type of different binding and the inlays aren't MOP, they are the glow in the dark material that they use in his sawtooth, so if either of you have seen these somewhere, then I'd be amazed, and I would like to see pictures.

Again, I'm not talking about the standard USA Esp's.:Smug:
Till I see pictures, I'd say he's moer talking about a USA ESP. Still, he's the one who wants to sell, so he should do the effort, not us.

Yeah, so them being rare is as much bullshit as this guy selling! Musamaailma stocks on many ESPs including the Japanese ESP signatures and USA signatures.

This basically means you can go to ANY ESP dealer in Finland and have that guitar within 3 days. Even most non-ESP dealers will order it for you. I can't even think why it would be otherwise anywhere else.

And gais, you do know this might be the STANDARD ALEXI ESP SIG?!?!?! Even if he says custom shop...those go for around 1700€-2000€ If you check ebay.

Because you live in Finland. Alexi Laiho is somewhat famous there. Here in Spain e.g. they don't even have the USA LTD in stock anywhere. They can order it for you, but the LTD goes for 1700€. Spain is retarded :lol:
I'm not talking about the just the USA ESP's.

please tell me you see the difference

and no, I don't mean the color, I mean the fretboard and so on.

Here is the actual page too
I was talking about the USA ESP Custom Alexi's, you can see the difference on bmusic. I have never seen anyone playing one of those, ever, let alone seen them for sale anywhere but there.

The difference is they have some type of different binding and the inlays aren't MOP, they are the glow in the dark material that they use in his sawtooth, so if either of you have seen these somewhere, then I'd be amazed, and I would like to see pictures.

Again, I'm not talking about the standard USA Esp's.:Smug:

They still had those at Musamaailma...atleast what i checked. They had them on display too! They ain't rare but the reason you don't see people playing them is because they are shit ugly and +3000€

@Children of COB: True, but that's Spain...I bet half of you are like the enemies in resident evil 4 :lol: Walking around...with axes...shouting "MATALO!"
Btw... Has anyone played Resident Evil 5?

No, but i heard it was the bomb! It comes out for PC in autumn or something and i heard this PC port of RE will be THE shit with awesome controls and shit like that. Even 3D vision goggles are supported which will make the charging zombies look like they come through the screen :lol: Well, when i get the new PC it will be out and I'll probably buy it.
I had no Idea I was going to piss everybody off this much. I'm not trying to scam anyone. I have an alexi 1600 that is an older version not sure if this will work but here goes:


It has a duncan Blackout and solid stripes along with a shaved neck and a painted, beveled back.
I'm pretty sure there were different models available to the American market and to Europe. This one was not easy to get over here (from ESP)

Yes I am also trying to sell a firewind gus g guitar on their forum. Truthfully I seriously underestimated the popularity of firewind in america and have much less interest in it than i do the alexi.
again I'm new here and really don't need more enemies than I already have
Fremont St. Guitars