Now, ok, we were out of line, and it wasn't very fair to laugh at you guys... That sucks... QUOTE]

Thank you man ! Cool you recognized that !
Let's bury the fuckin' hatchet ok ?! :Smokin:
"Mistress of Envy" picked the thread up again because we discovered it just a short time ago and she was the most pissed one of us. Can't you understand (at least a bit) that she wanted to set her anger free because of that superficial shit and prejudices you posted in August ??!
We'd love to have let the thread die but YOU're the one who's always posting any shit after us and wants to have the last word.
There's a certain song that comes to my mind about all this shit...
Before you gauge me take a look at yourself
condescending, outlivin' in a lie.....