European tour with Slipknot

Scythes of Bodom now wrote in their news that CoB will play a support tour in Europe in November and December and that more info will come as soon as it will be officially confirmed.

So we can start to looking forward to this tour :)
AWESUM! Im gonna go see Bodom,MH and Slipknot fo sho'. Don't mind any of those bands...going t obe cool to see how fuckin insane slipknots stage show is :lol:
I don't mean to be a dick about it, but seriously, just because she is a good looking girl doesnt mean she can sing good.... But she is seriously a horrible metal singer. i love Arch Enemy's music, but her singing is simply horrible. I don't see how you guys think it's good.........

she has a decent growl, though.

Would I fuck the living shit out of her? Yes'm

Does she have a clit bigger than my dick? probably

Do I care? Fuck no
I don't mean to be a dick about it, but seriously, just because she is a good looking girl doesnt mean she can sing good.... But she is seriously a horrible metal singer. i love Arch Enemy's music, but her singing is simply horrible. I don't see how you guys think it's good.........

she has a decent growl, though.

Would I fuck the living shit out of her? Yes'm

Does she have a clit bigger than my dick? probably

Do I care? Fuck no

She is a decent vocalist and btw who the hell cares if she SINGS good when she doesn't even SING in AE. It's only screaming/growling. Apparently you care since you posted that long pointless post about how someones opinion is weird if they like her vocals. I still think Angela>Alexi vocalwise bigtime. Why start bitching about that anyway?'s as pointless as your threads you create.

@JDizzle: Do I care about that? No, Angela Gossow is not the best singer around but she's far from being a bad singer.

Tony Kakko, Dio, Vortex, Vintersorg, Blaze Bayley, Tobi... fuck man, too many amazing singers to add that you left out, and IMO Angela Gossow isn't anything special, OH WOW SHE'S A GIRL... ffs, she is just a good screaming, nothing epic, imo anyways. Don't get me wrong I love AE :p

Indeed, :lol: In fact, I was going to mention Tony Kakko as is one of my favourite singer, but as he used to be not that great live in the past I decided to skip him :lol: The other ones now that you say them are not bad, but as I don't dig their music that much I didn't remember them.

AWESUM! Im gonna go see Bodom,MH and Slipknot fo sho'. Don't mind any of those bands...going t obe cool to see how fuckin insane slipknots stage show is :lol:

AWEWHAT?? It sucks, :lol: Bodom were suposed to headline Europe in autum, not open for Slipcock! Even Alexi himself said more than once that ''we have Gigantour coming, then festivals, then another US tour and then we'll do Europe headlining''. I'll try to find the exact interview, but I swear he said that. Anyway, it's COB so I'll be at least at one of their shows IF THEY DON'T FUCKING SKIP SPAIN AS EVERY OTHER BIG TOUR!!! :mad::mad::mad: We've already been skipped by Unholly Alliance and Black Crusade to name the most recent ones.

@JDizzle: Do I care about that? No, Angela Gossow is not the best singer around but she's far from being a bad singer.

Indeed, :lol: In fact, I was going to mention Tony Kakko as is one of my favourite singer, but as he used to be not that great live in the past I decided to skip him :lol: The other ones now that you say them are not bad, but as I don't dig their music that much I didn't remember them.

AWEWHAT?? It sucks, :lol: Bodom were suposed to headline Europe in autum, not open for Slipcock! Even Alexi himself said more than once that ''we have Gigantour coming, then festivals, then another US tour and then we'll do Europe headlining''. I'll try to find the exact interview, but I swear he said that. Anyway, it's COB so I'll be at least at one of their shows IF THEY DON'T FUCKING SKIP SPAIN AS EVERY OTHER BIG TOUR!!! :mad::mad::mad: We've already been skipped by Unholly Alliance and Black Crusade to name the most recent ones.
Yeah i but i don't mind :lol: Well i reckon the headlining tour is AFTER the tour with Black Dahlia murder supporting. Which will make the headlining tour most probably 2009 Spring/Summer/Fall.

Am i the only one that is not really fussed about seeing a Bodom show?:lol: Seriously it wasn't that "godlike" when i saw them. I digged the playing and all but i really couldn't connect with band...too bad really.
in reply to the last couple of pages:
1. Corey isn't a bad singer, he can go from growl/scream to normal singing just like that and back, which is very hard. He's not my fave singer but in my top 10 because that. Other than that, there's indeed nothing special about him. Besides doing that completely fucked up his voice. You hear that he does less growling/screaming on vol.3

2. vol.3 is their worst album ever. 15 year olds just liked cuz it was from slipknot and they were popular at that time among the kids that age but if you listen to it criticly and to their s/t and iowa and mfkr, you have to agree that it's their worst.

3. Joey IS a great drummer. Youtube his solo when the platform goes spinning while he's drumming, I haven't seen any other drummer do that, you gotta respect something like that even if you don't like him. But again: he too isn't my favorite cuz there are still better drummers.

4. Mick thompson and james root aren't bad but avarage imo, that's it. Normal ppl with normal skills.

5. the other members are avarage too, I agree that without Joey and Corey, the band would not likely have been so successfull. Anders Consefni (the previous singer) was alot heavier than Corey and they never got the success they have now with him (I think)

6. Stop shitting a band cuz they play a style you don't like. saying "Fuck slipcock" doesn't make you any cooler. In fact it makes you a retard. Give decent arguements when you brake down a band. Actually, don't break down a band, just say you don't like them. Respect musicians. If you can do it better, then do it, let us know and we'll judge it. I don't think any of you "slipknot haters" can do a better job than them so stop shitting about it.

7. Whether their music isn't good or not, they still bring one hell of live show and if you don't give them a chance by going to it, you'll never know that so stop saying they aren't good enough with cob cuz musicly they might not be but playing live their are.

and if you're not tired reading this rant yet, I can go on like this for hours discussing it.
The thing is that whether we like it or not, COB will tour with them. Alexi was okay with the idea cuz he said they will play in bigger venues and it's also a good way to promote themselves. I think Slipknot fans will like them, some of them already like them (same with Machine Head). But I understand all of you guys that wanted a headlining tour.
^I really doubt Slipknot fans are going to like a music full of solos, where lyrics and vocals are the less important and where there's a lot of crazy keyboards. It has nothing to do with Slipknot.

@Blackcore: nice long rant. I agree with some things, and not with others.

1. A singer that fucks his voice up is not a top 10 singer IMO.
2. Agreed.
3. It doesn't matter if the platform spins or not, it matters how he plays. That being said, he's not bad.
4. Agreed, although Mick is not as bad as people thinks.
5. Agreed but mostly about Joey, although my opinion there might be a bit biased by the fact that I don't give a fuck about singers. I also think that if Slipknot performed a show without any kind of effects, just them, their instruments and the amps, it'd be the most boring thing on earth, which IMO shouldn't be like that if we're talking of a music band.
6. I shit on them because I think they are really overrated, and their music has nothing to offer to me. If I want to hear a sick drummer, Nile or Arsis drummers (to name some) are way more sick than Joey, if I want death vocals Muhammed or Corpsegrinder pwn Corey, and the list goes on. But summed up, Slipknot is a mix that can do many things (clean vocals, death vocals, heavy riffs, some solos, fair good drumming) but they don't stand out in any of them, so for me they are a pretty average band. And I find pretty sad that they cut all the solos in their debut album in order to make it ''easier to hear'' in their words, commercial in normal speech.
7. That being, said, if the Tour is finally done and they come near me I will go (for Bodom, but I'll go and after paying I'm not leaving after COB) and watch them, and as they have clowns and lots of lights and spining platforms, I'll probably enjoy the show, but when I go to a gig what I'm looking for mostly is for the music. Dunno if I made myself clear, but IMO a music band should play music, and AFTER the music, they could deliver a great show, but never mask average music with a full of lights and effects show.

I ended up ranting quite a lot too, :lol: But now it's time for bed, so good night!

PS: Wasn't meant to offend anyone. If it makes you (not directed towards Black Core but to anybody that reads my post, to which I'll say thanks a lot in advance cos it's a fucking long one, :lol:) feel better, you can add a size 7 IMO before all my post.
1. A singer that fucks his voice up is not a top 10 singer IMO.
5. Agreed but mostly about Joey, although my opinion there might be a bit biased by the fact that I don't give a fuck about singers. I also think that if Slipknot performed a show without any kind of effects, just them, their instruments and the amps, it'd be the most boring thing on earth, which IMO shouldn't be like that if we're talking of a music band.
6. I shit on them because I think they are really overrated, and their music has nothing to offer to me. If I want to hear a sick drummer, Nile or Arsis drummers (to name some) are way more sick than Joey, if I want death vocals Muhammed or Corpsegrinder pwn Corey, and the list goes on. But summed up, Slipknot is a mix that can do many things (clean vocals, death vocals, heavy riffs, some solos, fair good drumming) but they don't stand out in any of them, so for me they are a pretty average band. And I find pretty sad that they cut all the solos in their debut album in order to make it ''easier to hear'' in their words, commercial in normal speech.
7. That being, said, if the Tour is finally done and they come near me I will go (for Bodom, but I'll go and after paying I'm not leaving after COB) and watch them, and as they have clowns and lots of lights and spining platforms, I'll probably enjoy the show, but when I go to a gig what I'm looking for mostly is for the music. Dunno if I made myself clear, but IMO a music band should play music, and AFTER the music, they could deliver a great show, but never mask average music with a full of lights and effects show.

1. I disagree, it could be that he just overdid it because he wanted to give his fans more than he could deliver, of course that's pretty stupid but respect for trying to give the fans a bit more.

5+6. Is it their fault they are overrated? no, it's because alot of 15 year olds worship them. They are one of the better nu-metal bands out there imo. There are always better drummers, singers, guitar players, etc. That's not the point. Just cuz someone isn't as good as someone else doesn't make them bad. Kolias could kick joey's ass in a heart beat when it comes to drumming, I realise that but that doesn't make joey bad at what he plays.

7. Personally I go to a show to have a great time and enjoy the show, the music can be bad as hell but when the show is great and the audience enjoyed it, the concert was good for me but that's my personal view
I read some posts in different forums (french ones) and a lot of people actually like them and are excited about this concert. And it's not because it's not the same kind of music that they won't like them, maybe some of them are open-minded.
I never said is their fault they are overrated, I just said that they are. Of course is not their fault, because it doesn't matter how good tehy think they are, it matters how much people likes them. I just think they don't deserve as much recognisement, but it's just my opinion, as valid as everybody else's.

About the show being good and music not, dunno you, but I instantly recall a genere where the artist doesn't compose his own music, where playback is popular and where what the artist does is the less important. The name was pop if I remember right, and I thought we were talking about metal. Don't get me wrong, but IMO show should always come AFTER the music. Because if not then lets stop live gigs and everybody go to the circus.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, opinions are opinions and mine is not better than yours neither yours is better than mine, so let's buy the ticket for the gig half and half, and when Bodom ends I'll go out of the venue, give the ticket to you and you get in to see Machine Head and Slipknot :lol:
^exactly, give them a chance before you judge. Open-mindedness ftw!

EDIT: post jump

well, you are right but like I said, the majority is just 14-15 year olds who still need a taste of the "lesser known (and imo better) forms of metal"

I didn't say what the artist does is less imortant. I wasn't talking about just the light show and stuff but the interaction with the public, the extras to the songs, the whole package and that includes alot of what the artist does, I would never compare it to pop. I mean, I watched even some rap shows and they were great too cuz the interaction with the public was great.

I'm in for that :)
Well I listen from Dido (pop-rock?) to Cannibal Corpse (death metal) going through Children Of Bodom (tag them yourselves, :lol:), Exodus (thrash metal), Nile (epic egyptian death metal), Sonata Arctica (power metal), Nightwish (pop-power metal :lol:), Slayer (thrash metal), The Offspring (punk), Garth Brooks (country), Dire Straits (rock?), Dream Theater (sport, like Alexi Laiho said, :lol:), Municipal Waste (punk-thrash metal) or Lamb Of God (hardcore), so I wouldn't call myself exactly narrow minded, :lol:

EDIT: And as I've said, I'm going and I'm not leaving after Bodom, :lol:

So, which gig are we attending and were are we getting the ticket?? :lol:
I won't go to that show cause I can't. And even if I could, I would go to see COB and Machine Head. I like a bit of Slipknot, not a big fan, not a hater neither. I also went to concerts where 3 bands where playing and didn't like 2 of them, but I had to listen to both of them... Of course, COB fans aren't that excited about that but it's Slipknot show so there will be more Slipknot fans. That's why I'm saying that maybe some of them will discover COB and like them.
But I still hope they will do headline tour !!
well, I enjoy basicly every kind of music (or so my last fm tells me :p ) but that part about open-mindedness was in reply to lussi (but I guess you're open minded too :p )

given the fact I'm from Belgium, I don't think I'll be going to any of those gigs :lol:
Angela over alexi's old vocal style? Hell no, but she beats the shit out of his black metal vocals