...Ever cried to Opeth?

yea .. when I was listening to 'the Night and the Silent Water' ..I was feelin so bad back then.. but, sometimes, I also feel so close to crying because their songs are so god damn beautiful!!! (face of Melinda, BWP, the Drapery Falls..)
yeah you know ive been meaning to get around to that. after i finish my current book i'll definitely pick them up.
i have a slight obsession with mafia/cosa nostra/gangster movies etc.

seeing as my moms whole side of the family is italian and is in/has ties with crime syndicates
certainly not cried... but almost...
at least with the last piano arpeggios and chords from the last seconds of The Leper Affinity starting from 9:54 all the way to the end
they just... have... such a sad feeling...
it makes me feel... makes me feel depressed or something...
i love the outro of that song...
that's the best part of the album!

Dirge For November's intro did not make me cry but I found it pretty moving.

My current/permanent goosebump album is actually Devin Townsend - Accelerated Evolution, there are countless awesome parts there.

I was thinking just the same album when I saw this thread. Especially with the song Deadhead, nearly makes me cry every time. I think it's a lot about the way Devin sings. You just know that he really MEANS IT.