Ever wonder?

Sep 16, 2004
That Vintersorg, Can growl and sing passionatly, play guitar, play keys and bass, and produce his own albums?

And do it all really well?

Where i come from int the US you're lucky to find someone who can do just one thing well. (and if they can, they're usually cocky bastards!)

That's why im such a big fan, his vocals blew me away the first time i heard them and he writes some really kick ass gutar parts too. (and plays keys etc..)

Not to mention he takes the time to read his forum and reply to his fans.

just food for thought

I'm a Vintersorg's fan too by the same reasons. He's not a God or a superior soul ! But he's a fuckin' great musician and he's too smart obviously. Mr V have your own vision about the life, he's right or wrong ? That's not the question, he's not a prophet, but I think the lyrics make us to think about a lot of things.

So, sharpen your mind tools,
your grammar of logics refines
And sharpens your mind tools,
Cause the thinking of thinking evolves your thinking
Mind tools,
Reasoning dug forth from inner mines
With sharpened mind tools
Your awareness is kept from sinking,
Into sleep
I wanna add one thing; the lyrics! With the risk of being labeled a pant-dropping fanboi I must say I have yet to hear anything that beats them. Personally prefer the ones in Swedish because of the many old and uncommon words, and the writing style of having many co-joined words instead of millions of short words. Also love the nature-romanticism, far more than the philosophy of the newer ones (although science and physics is very interesting they work better in the form of a book ;) ).

Hope I didn't stray off topic there..
Didn't he once say that he learned to do everything himself since it was hard to find other musicians to work with? Or something along those lines. Maybe I am thinking of someone else.

devin townsend's the same thing. i don't see you licking his balls.

a lot of musicians are like that, why is vintersorg some kind of icon?
Then, in that case, why do you quote arcturus? If you,re such an independant minded person, you should come up with something of your own! If not, just let others be damnit.
my sig is in my own, but no one probably gets it . . . . :erk:

oh well, enough off-topic crap- i;ve never seen a vinterog bootleg live so can anyone tell me if he sounds just as good live? if he does . . . . then he just earned another +10 respect points ;). because we all know that it sucks going to a show just to find out one of the bands you like cant do their own material and make it sound good . . . .
If you ask me, I don't think his talent is necessarily "remarkable" as in some sort of superhuman ability - he just worked at it enough to get to that point because (gasp) that's what he wanted to do with his life. I think all of us could be just as good, not necessarily at music but at whatever we feel a pull for, if we'd put that much effort into what we truly want to do and be. Instead we get distracted by material gains and trying to collect a bunch of superfluous stuff, and lose track of what it is that we truly want to *become* as a person, which is where your real happiness will be found.

niniel said:
Then, in that case, why do you quote arcturus? If you,re such an independant minded person, you should come up with something of your own! If not, just let others be damnit.

for me the lyrics don't really mean some kind of great message for me, where i like the meaning behind that quote, and i have quoted borknagar in various instances ("nothing but the process is infinite/eternal endless indefinite..."), the purpose is not to revere the message of the artist, but it brings the song to my head, and the combination of an interesting thought with a song that i enjoy has a specific significance to me, and perhaps that significance is a shared experience with other people when they read it. plus, quoting yourself is just plain stupid and self contrived. i may be arrogant, but i'm no philosophical narcissist. i may have good thoughts, but quoting yourself on one is just dumb. even so, quoting the lyrics doesn't imply the degree of fanboyism displayed here often, that's just appreciation. their fanboyism is worship, placing the artist above themselves. and thus i'm back to my point made a while ago. i'm not trying to pass off as some angry person at everyone, but people need to stop stuff like this. now.
people aren't going to stop - why? Because alot of people (perhaps not the poster above) are new to the forums and when they see that vintersorg actually posts here (which is a pretty decent thing for him to do) they want to make some 'by way of greeting' message, most usually ones like the kind you despise so much. I can understand your points and agree with many, but I have some advice, next time you see a post like that which annoys you, just click back on your browser, and ignore it and move on - there's no need to derail some guy's thread in a vain attempt to try to teach him some sort of lesson. Let others be and you'll be better off, we all will.