
I know the subject is beaten to death but Tom made me spill beer into my keyboard as I was watching the end of the video (under media) " - Evergrey: A Day with your balls to the wall / feat. Therion " Check out the action as they are on the stage the song is over.... Henrik looks kind of surprised, who blames him!!!! *LOL*
HAHAHAHA this whole thread is hilarious:) Yep, Jonas is the band slut and Micke is the Hairy Chest (yummy;)) Contest Winner 2003. He beated Nico by an inch because his hairs are dark and it looks more impressive that way. Nico will get his revenge at the upcoming Hairy BACK Contest though!! :p :lol:

And Evergay or Everspray will 99% of the time mean it's part of a joke, it's being used so frequently;) Only at shows we prefer Everbeer these days, right Gauny? :lol:

@ Mammoth - I watched the video :OMG: Apparently I hadn't seen this one yet! HAHAHA, poor Henrik!! Now we now for sure.. Tom's marriage is just a cover up!!! :eek: :lol: ;)

PS. For the secret signs for the funny faces check the "Smilies" link in the bottom, left side, of the pages, if it says "Smilies are On" you should see a whole bunch on the left of your (advanced) reply field. If not, I think you can change it in your profile somewhere...
Marlies said:
And Evergay or Everspray will 99% of the time mean it's part of a joke, it's being used so frequently;) Only at shows we prefer Everbeer these days, right Gauny? :lol:
hehehe...yeah, sort of works for demanding encores as well :grin:
jaimek said:
Will you be tagging along with Mike to ProgPower this fall? Those shows are always a great time...

I wish I was, but I didn't manage to save enough money for the flight.
We went last year and had a great time.
Maybe next year though... but I guess Evergrey won't be playing then so we would come just as ordinary guests.
Well, have a great time and party some for me too!!!!
Our other Great And Terrible Moderator may have wiped it, because there's another thread featuring the same photo.