
Neat! Hey Andy, that's the first time I've heard a Krank Revolution sound like that. It seems when you turn up the midrange on those amps though, they get a little nasty sounding. When you scoop it out like you did, they sound like a weaker TSL. Maybe it's just the mp3 though....

Me personally, I much prefer the Laney GH series heads for that beefy thrash crunch sound. They have this certain frequency response that seems to mute all those gross sounding lower mids while still remaining pretty thick sounding.

Andy, have you ever got to try out any of those modded-marshall inspired designs by Scott Splawn, Doug Roccaforte, or Trace Allen? I had a Voodoo Witchdoctor head for a while and it was quite possibly one of the best metal amps I've ever played through.
Hey can anyone recommend me a good passive metal pickup? Does the wood type of the guitar really affect the sound of the pickup? Always wanted to know this.

But i read in the forum that the L500XL it just to treblely and it needs something to control it. Not sure what was that i was actually considering it but after reading a post from the Bill Lawrence forum i was not to keen on it.
The sound you will get from your guitar is definitely a combination of its wood, its build(thickness, chambered/solid body etc.) and the character of the pickup. I think trebly pickups work pretty well in Mahogany bodies.
Andy Sneap said:
depends what set up really, Exodus was EMG passive
Yup, definitely... I could never get the sound you got from Duncan Designed for one of the samples here.
REALLy? :OMG: HOLY SHIT the tone on that album was tight! No wi really have second thoughts on the EMGs Hey Which PAssive EMG's did they use?

BY THE WAY is it good to buy second-hand pickups? I am thinking of getting a pickup form Ebay but mostly everything is used there.
viva_360 said:
Hey which Exodus Album is Andy talking about? Also does anyone know which artist and on which album have they used an X2N pickup for recording?

As far as I know Chuck used it through his whole career.