Exams and such...


Unrepentant sentient
Jan 26, 2002
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Well, in two days (or today if you live in Scotland), the United Kingdom higher education results come out (known here in England as A-levels) which determine whether you're going to university, and if so, which universities will accept you. Needless to say, I'm a little worried...I need A's in the subjects I took for A-levels to get into university for my particular law course, and so the tension is really building.
Anyway, the object of this post was to ask anyone if there is anything happening, has recently happened, or is going to happen in your lives which either has significant bearing on your lives, or anything in particular you are nervous about at the moment? Consider this kinda like Kovenants relationship post, except a little more generalised :D
Feel free to pour your hearts out people ;)
Im getting a new job at a hospital close to my house, and Im really nervous, Ill be working security (which doesnt bother me), but I'll also have to reassure family members of people who are dying and in critical condition, it will be difficult to do.

Funny you should mention Scotland, I am looking to transfer there within the company I work for, they posted some openings in Edinburgh, so I am really hoping I get either of the 2 jobs they had there, I need to get out of here, this place is killing me so totally.
Nick - Good luck with your job, and I don't know exactly, but kinda know how that must feel...my dad has been a doctor for about 35 years now, and he always says its the hardest part of the job, but in the end its the most important...although it doesn't get easier, it has to be done, and takes a strong and good person to do it...I haven't known you long, my friend, but I have faith in you as both strong and good :)

Salam - sounds good, I've been to Scotland, and its a nice place, the people are pretty friendly, its very green and beautiful (in a totally masculine way I say this ;)). What kind of work do you do if I may ask?
Originally posted by Dark_Jester

Salam - sounds good, I've been to Scotland, and its a nice place, the people are pretty friendly, its very green and beautiful (in a totally masculine way I say this ;)). What kind of work do you do if I may ask?

Yep, I just hope the weather is 'better' than here, by that I mean I hope it rains a lot more, I am really beginning to hate the sun and of course having no real winter would be cool, not sure how cold it gets there tho.
Actually I have quite a few reason to wanna go there, one of the main ones is that I like history and that place has a lot more of it than this one and of course the fact they speak 'english' helps, it's easier than swedish any day :lol:

I do technical support, I hope that I get the supervisor job tho, that would be much better for me.
Lol, well, as far as rain goes, I'm glad you like it, because you can look forward to on avergae 200 days of drizzle and heavy rain a year :D
As far as coldness goes, I think about -5 celcius is the lowest it could usually get...
And about English being easier than Swedish? As a natural English speaker, I'd have to go with yes :lol:
Originally posted by Dark_Jester
Lol, well, as far as rain goes, I'm glad you like it, because you can look forward to on avergae 200 days of drizzle and heavy rain a year :D

This is something I have heard as well, good, I like that, I hate sweating and I don't like the sun, but I do love the rain, I really hope I get this job.

As far as coldness goes, I think about -5 celcius is the lowest it could usually get...

Excellent, getting better, Sweden (at least this part) and Finland go down to -25 to -30 C and that absolutely sucks, I hate winter anyway, either you have too little on and freeze your nuts or you have enough and when you go inside you sweat your ass off and well, theres that sweating again... :lol:

And about English being easier than Swedish? As a natural English speaker, I'd have to go with yes :lol:

Do they actually speak english in Scotland that you can understand? I have heard that sometimes Londoners have a hard time understanding each other or is this just some kind of joke that I wasn't let in on? :rolleyes:
Hrm.... goin to college this Sept, and its gonna be a bitch. I'm in one of the hardest electrical engineering prog's in the country, in one of the most selective schools, so I'm scared shitless of whether I'll last...

Tho I know that 2 other guys I know going there will definitely drop before I do... if I do.... (sure as hell hope not)...

I know how you feel Nick... I volunteered in the geriatric center of the nearby hospital for a while, and it was great up to the last 3 months, where the patient I was caring for went into a deep depression, virtually stopped eating, and then passed away during emergency surgery. It can be real hard... especially if you get to know and like the patients....

~Kovenant (at least happy that he's well known enough to have a thread related to him :) )
I have exams in September and i feel incapable.
I have my first final exams next month and the rest in the beginning of next year. They decide whether I can get to a university or not and what kind of work will I get, if I won't get anywhere, I'll have to stay one more year at home with my parents :( I'm so much waiting for to get out of here, I need some fresh air.
I was actually looking forward to exams and such, but it turns out I won't be getting that education. This due to the fact that the ones in my municipality in charge of handling the educational stuff thinks of me as "not prioritized". The money for that education went to someone else... :bah:
My final exams next year decide if i'll go on or if i'll have to repeat the last year of school. After those exams i can go in a art university (architecture or academy), if i want to go in any other university i have to do a 5th year of school here with only 15 hours per week (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th have around 40/44 hours per week :loco: )
Just a little update to say that I got the three A grades I needed for my course, so muchas happy!!! :D
And if I can do it, so can all of you...so everyone thats posted on here, I have full faith in your abilities to succeed in whatever it is that you have set out to do...until later,