Exams and such...

congrats d_j. i hope you do very well in your course. same goes for all the rest - kovenant, blade, hiljaninen, and so on and so forth. mouse, how was your exam?

as everyone might know already, on september 3rd i have my exams for entrance in italy's central bank as an economist (i'm almost phd econ). the whole gig is long and right now i don't feel like spelling it all out, but let's just say it is very relevant for me to pass them and very relevant *in general*. phew.

Originally posted by hyena
mouse, how was your exam?

It was okay. I didn't panic and believe I did well on the large majority of the questions... which is good. :grin:

Good luck for your exams. :)

Much luck to everyone for whatever is coming their way. :)
Congrats/Good luck to everyone for exams.

Waah school starts the 16th of September.....:eek: after that day i won't be able to stay on UM very much (i'll have to draw almost all day) :cry: well of course i'll find the time for bubu! ;)
That's the thread I really needed....
Do you really want to remember me everytime of my beloved Exams???
If I fail the next one I won't be able to come here again,'cause I will have to leave University....:waah: :waah: :cry:
grats dark_jester and mousewings....
and also good look to hyena and all the poor devils who have to face exams in late august and september!!!!

for me this is the first september (after 3 in a row) that I don't have a single exam in september, and it's always relieving having to decide which part of my body to scratch ;)
so I'll be lazying around will most of you study, I know it's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it :p

fathervic (lazying on a sunday afternoon)
Originally posted by FatherVic
grats dark_jester and mousewings....

Thanks. The only thing I must find out now is if I've passed the class. :lol: :)

Good luck to everyone who has their exams coming up! :)
ok - gag rule effective from now. it's around the last 60 hours and my, do i need to do some catch-up. see you all next week - i don't know how many pc's i am going to find but i hope that by next fri i will be able to tell you at least if i've passed the written part of the exam.

hyena (the suicide squad of lemmings parade)