

May 16, 2007
Maryland, USA
I'm skinny but I think my metabolism is starting to slow and I am now finally gaining weight. I'm just looking for any tips on what I can do right now at home with little equipment to start getting into shape. Once I have money I'm gonna start buying a lot of weight lifting stuff. I'm not going to use and supplements or anything of the sort. I'm doing it all naturally and eating meat for protein. I'm assuming right now push-ups, sit-ups and running are a good thing to do daily for now to start getting my body in shape. If theres any other things I can do, please let me know.

Also if anyone wants to start doing an exercise program in the future once I'm lifting weights, we could keep a journal in this thread to show how we're doing. That way if anyone knows of a better way to do something, they can leave a comment suggesting it.
Ok, this is what you do. It might seem hard at first, but with daily training you'll appear a natural in no time. Fll a good glass of Jägermeister. Then drink it. DRINK THAT BITCH! You must NOT SHOOT IT, but drink it. Over time, you will both gain weight and create a flattering physique.

Get to work, son.
lol i love Jager. Already drink that. And I was planning to stop eating shit food but not cow shit lol Going up to my dads tonight and hes giving me some spare weights he has so I can do some light stuff first.
do pyramid sets. for example: 10 repetitions of 50 pounds, then 8 reps of 55 pounds, then 6 reps of 60 pounds. the point is to increase the weights and decrease the number of times you lift that weight.
You must wave your exercise loads in both volume (amount lifted, or distance ran) and intesity (how close to your maximum) in order to see the best results. Also, rest is a very important part of any long-term training program. Following the heavy-light-medium protocol works extremely well.

Start on Monday and lift heavy, take tuesday off and work light on wednesday, come back for a medium workout on friday. If that seems to easy you can do a Monday-Wednesday-Saturday routine light-medium-heavy style and do some extra stuff on Tuesdays and Thursdays, keeping it nice and easy (volume), but not necessarily light (intensity). Friday and Sunday are off days.

Say you can do 100 pushups and situps and can run a 5-minute mile. A light workout could be something like five sets of 20 reps for the pushups and situps and a 7 1/2 minute mile run. Medium could be like five sets of 30-40 reps in situps and p[ushups while the run would be like a 6-6 1/2 minute pace. Heavy would be pretty much balls to the wall, say five sets of 40-50 reps and a nearly maximal performance on the run.

For more bodyweight choices do a web search on: Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, one-legged squats (pistols), one-arm pushups, dragonwalk, lizard, bearcrawl, spiderman.

This is probably the shittiest advice I've ever given, but I'm not really in the mood to write. Feel free to PM me or ask me any questions in this thread. I don't log on here very often though!

DragonDoor.com is an excellent site for any exercise-related question. Look for thier forums and also the links to the many articles they have posted. It's all on the left toolbar, about one full screen down from the top.
I'm not going to use and supplements or anything of the sort. I'm doing it all naturally and eating meat for protein.

I’d advise using Whey Protein. I’m basically against supplements as well but Whey Protein is natural (I use an organic brand from Whole Foods) and you need loads of protein to build muscle. That’s the only supplement I use. I like to have a pre-workout drink with about 25 grams of protein mixed with water. After my workout I have a drink with 50 grams of protein, 2 bananas and water. I strongly recommend the pre & post workout drink/shake. Good luck!
Thanks for the information. The schedule sounds easy enough to keep up with.

Also I am skinny and have just started to put on weight, think my metabolism is dropping a bit. Now besides just eating protein, I know some people eat other foods just to gain weight and make that into muscle. I'm not sure if it's a good way to go but if I'm skinny, think I should? Or should I try to eat healthy and stay away from food that will put on a lot of weight?
Thanks for the information. The schedule sounds easy enough to keep up with.

Also I am skinny and have just started to put on weight, think my metabolism is dropping a bit. Now besides just eating protein, I know some people eat other foods just to gain weight and make that into muscle. I'm not sure if it's a good way to go but if I'm skinny, think I should? Or should I try to eat healthy and stay away from food that will put on a lot of weight?

If you really want to bulk up then you have to eat a lot. Eating more often, like 6 or 7 meals a day as opposed to 3 is the way to go. There's tons of info online, check out some of the articles on nutrition at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/index.html.

Remember though you want muscle gain, not fat. Eating crap will put the weight on, but not where you want it.
Well a good and yet cheap investment would be these metal bars you attach in your hallway or between an opened door (don't know how you call those in english) for tractions (you know.. lifting yourself up).
The good thing about that shit is that its so less boring then push ups and all. And every time you pass by the thing its fun to give it a few moments.
With that thing, in just 2 months i managed to do 30 tractions without much effort (it helps if you're skinny) and visible muscles start popping out.. good for biceps, forearms, shoulders and most of the upper body. and, i find it fun to do (unlike sit ups for example which are such a bore and give me back pains).