Facial hair in the workplace

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
Do you think it matters if you have facial hair when interviewing with someone? Do you think that it matters less or more when you are employed and going for a better position with the company? Do you think people look at you as lazy if you have facial hair?

Share your experiences.
Should it matter? Holy shit no. Fuck America for having this mindset (among many others, esp. relating to employment qualifications/standards).

Does it matter? On a subconscious level it almost certainly matters, but only insofar as other potentially interview-harming things do. You never know what kind of chip the interviewer's going to have on his/her shoulder, and they're only human (not robots who only care about experience, qualifications, logic, etc.) so they're going to be as stupid as acceptable, every single time. Use this as you will.
If I was interviewing a man and he didn't have a beard, I would would be quite ashamed to have him work in my company.

More beards = more man.
The problem is I have no idea who has that kind of chip on their shoulder. I tend to be fucking awful when it comes to interviews, so I think I'll just try improving that first and see what happens. My dad contends that it's because I have facial hair, but I know plenty of other people who don't have facial hair and failed to get better jobs within my company so who knows.
Quite a lot of people have facial hair where I work. Then again I work at a natural foods store where I go around with a Welcome to Hell shirt.
They say to go clean shaven to interviews, but I'm tempted to grow a goatee because everyone says I look 18-20 and I'm 26, especially when clean shaven. Might make me look more experienced...


That is all.
Isn't it though? It's what happens in a job market that requires 5 yrs of experience for a decent paying job.Guess what I have 5 years technical expertise in? ;)

Edit: /brofist for drunk V5
Everyone at work is encouraging me to grow a beard again. I've been clean shaven since I started there and I'm really trying to look more professional, but fuck. My supervisor, tech support, the ladies. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up.

This one dude decided that I'm a member of a team called "The Wolverines", I only discovered this during my morning glory walk through the perimeter when I touch palms with all the upper management and give everybody else high fives and shit.