Facial hair in the workplace

the two jobs I interviewed for with a goatee I nailed. But my goatee was trimmed close and neat. my current job, my boss doesn't care if I have a beard or am clean shaven as long as it looks decent.

that being said, if you have a gross, scraggly beard, that's all they'll see. if you have a nice, well kept facial hair then as long as you rock the interview it shouldn't be a problem
I've never had a problem with mine, but then again I've never worked in an office environment.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish my facial hair arrangement a happy 15th birthday. :)
If it's a corporate workplace, absolutely not. Clean shaven is the only acceptable way, even more so if you have clients you visit onsite.
it's p reasonable for employers not to hire someone because they look like a bum lol.

a customer at work complained about my beard once apparently but nobody there gives a shit.
Yeah, wright* out the fucking word you faggot.

Kind of hard for me to remain "clean shaven" since I have to shave every day. I will never be able to pull off that smooth faced look.

Edit: I just saw this while scrolling and it gave me a serious "wtf?" when I saw it.

Go clean shaven until you get the job and then grow whatever the fuck you want. That worked for me anyhow. I told my boss that I am growing a beard so its gonna be alittle out of control for a few weeks, but after that it will be maintained. Hasnt been an issue, and I work in an accounting office.

He did however make a comment once about my long hair and I said I was here for a job and not a date, and its never been brought up again. I think its just more responsibility to make sure you are well groomed and not looking like a bum (as previously stated).
Yeah once youre hired you can let it grow, but you should keep it clean for interviews at least
I think getting a decent job is far more important Ozz. Sorry if that comes across harshly.

Go clean shaven until you get the job and then grow whatever the fuck you want. That worked for me anyhow. I told my boss that I am growing a beard so its gonna be alittle out of control for a few weeks, but after that it will be maintained. Hasnt been an issue, and I work in an accounting office.

He did however make a comment once about my long hair and I said I was here for a job and not a date, and its never been brought up again. I think its just more responsibility to make sure you are well groomed and not looking like a bum (as previously stated).

If by 'decent job' you mean a job at Goldman Sachs, then yes. Not all firms are like that, you know.

It really shouldn't be like that anywhere these days, but hey
Facial hair is still almost totally unacceptable in Japan. Gunma Prefecture recently got attention for putting in a place a rule banning civil servants from having beards.