Faith ?

What do you believe in?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 21 17.2%
  • Islam

    Votes: 7 5.7%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Esoterism or Scientology

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Agnosticism

    Votes: 28 23.0%
  • Atheism

    Votes: 51 41.8%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 11 9.0%

  • Total voters
By the way, there is a guy on the forum, Annihilat0r, he was one of the best counter-strike players of Turkey. I have seen him playing, it was crazy :S

You should pm him if you are upto challenge I guess
But there are Satan worshippers right? so it makes Satanism a religion in one form or another. otherwise, it's just an evil atheist, who's considered as Satanist in the eyes of religious, coz they associate his evilness with the evil character of their holy book who is Satan.
I am not talking about the deviation of atheism type satanism, but the other satanisim is the embodiment of idiocy.
If you believe in Satan as an actual entity, opposed to God, Lucifer, the fallen angel, you have to agree with the premise that God exists, otherwise satan could not exist. If however you deny the existence of God, you cannot possibly believe in Satan other than just a label you slap on your own misanthropic or egocentric (or both) view of the world. You cannot define shadow if there is no light.
^ that's what a majority of "satanists" do. or well. the insecure ones who dig emos.
If you believe in Satan as an actual entity, opposed to God, Lucifer, the fallen angel, you have to agree with the premise that God exists, otherwise satan could not exist. If however you deny the existence of God, you cannot possibly believe in Satan other than just a label you slap on your own misanthropic or egocentric (or both) view of the world. You cannot define shadow if there is no light.
Simple and concise. Very well said man. Satan does fuckin' exist, and if you don't believe that, your simply deluding yourself. Just for the record, FUCK Satan, for in the end he will perish.
Simple and concise. Very well said man. Satan does fuckin' exist, and if you don't believe that, your simply deluding yourself. Just for the record, FUCK Satan, for in the end he will perish.

Thanks man. Though I disagree with the fact that Satan necessarily exists. That's only if God exists. Which brings us full circle with the initial discussion... :kickass:

I'm not sayinghe does, and I'm not saying he doesn't. I'm just saying that if God exists, then there is quite a probability that so does Satan. If God does not exist then there is no way that Satan could.

One more thing to consider:

Why is there suffering in the world? If God exists and he allows it, is it because he cannot change it or because he doesn't want to change it? If he cannot, he's not omnipotent. If he does not want to, he's a sadist. Either way, it sheds a bad light on him.

I know Christians are tempted to say that suffering exists so that people embrace God and find salvation with Him, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of believers (Christians, Muslims and Jews) that still suffer nonetheless...
Once again, you raise very interesting points. I do believe in God, therefore Satan is real. Your opinion of "Why is there suffering in the world?" is flawed to me, in that, I believe mankind(humans) are responsible for all this suffering not God. I respect your opinion Reelo, but for me, it's just too easy to point the finger at God. We as humans can not be absolved from the atrocities and darkness that permeate our world.. We can not rationalize away that it's God's fault. I don't buy that. Someday, we will all be held accountable for our actions. I say be accountable now and take steps to correct one's mistakes. That's certainly a place to start. But hey man, those are just my beliefs. I'm not implying that you are wrong.
Once again, you raise very interesting points. I do believe in God, therefore Satan is real. Your opinion of "Why is there suffering in the world?" is flawed to me, in that, I believe mankind(humans) are responsible for all this suffering not God. I respect your opinion Reelo, but for me, it's just too easy to point the finger at God. We as humans can not be absolved from the atrocities and darkness that permeate our world.. We can not rationalize away that it's God's fault. I don't buy that. Someday, we will all be held accountable for our actions. I say be accountable now and take steps to correct one's mistakes. That's certainly a place to start. But hey man, those are just my beliefs. I'm not implying that you are wrong.

hehe, I'm not even saying I'm right either. I have to agree, it's mankind's doing. But a lot of it is done in the name of God(s), too! I don't want to twist this debate into a political one, but if God exists, and he holds people accountable for their good and evil deeds, believer or no, then surely someone like G.W. Bush will not end up in Heaven, just because he believes in God and that he's doing his will. The deaths and suffering he is, in the very end, responsible for not only across certain parts of the world, but among the very people he governed should earn him a nice warm place in the pit. Along with others, of course...
As I'm saying, not twisting this into a political discussion, but I hope (at least I hope so) that believing in God and thinking of doing His will is not a free ticket to do whatever you think is good...
Why is there suffering in the world? If God exists and he allows it, is it because he cannot change it or because he doesn't want to change it? If he cannot, he's not omnipotent. If he does not want to, he's a sadist. Either way, it sheds a bad light on him.
It's because we are not in tune with God. He just gave you the manual of life to follow,otherwise, you will be lost, I don't think he is punishing you, but that's what you would get if you don't follow the manual, the punishment is promised later on. that's my opinion

but I hope (at least I hope so) that believing in God and thinking of doing His will is not a free ticket to do whatever you think is good...

Not even close, I personally believe that those suicide bombers have a ticket to Hell for disobeying God.
Not even close, I personally believe that those suicide bombers have a ticket to Hell for disobeying God.

They probably do, even by muslim standards. But that was obvious, I was rather talking about a certain retired commander-in-chief who considered himself doing the work of god while at the same time unleashig pain, suffering and death...
They probably do, even by muslim standards. But that was obvious, I was rather talking about a certain retired commander-in-chief who considered himself doing the work of god while at the same time unleashig pain, suffering and death...

Yeah. Some people think you will please God by killing who doesn't believe in him while he said you have no right to kill anyone but soldiers who invaded your land, and just for self-defense.
Yeah. Some people think you will please God by killing who doesn't believe in him while he said you have no right to kill anyone but soldiers who invaded your land, and just for self-defense.

Yes. This is what you're refering to:

For example, one verse (in its snipped version) reads: "slay them wherever you catch them" (Qur'an 2:191). But who is this referring to? Who are "they" that this verse discusses? The preceding and following verses give the correct context:

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loves not transgressors. And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter... But if they cease, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful... If they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression" (2:190-193)