Fallout 4?

I'll be a day one buyer. Fuck it. Until Cyberpunk 2077 gets here there isn't much in the way of open world futurism in games. They would be wise to have the factions and iron sights imo. Also, vehicles of some kind. If it's the same thing as before with better graphics its gonna get old fast.
I take no issue with the graphics, other than the slightly cartoon-like tinge they seem to be using to offset either the severity of the setting, or perhaps the limitations of the engine to push polygons. Pushing next gen graphics is not something the legendary RPGs ever really did, and it's not where the pay-off in the gaming experience lies. What interests me most of all is how well developed the narrative will be, how 'open' the choices presented to the player are, how much of an impact on the gameplay experience those choices make, and how immersive the game world and mechanics are.
I'm excited, I really liked Fallout 3 and NV. But I also liked Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. So I guess I'll dig FO4 as well.

A bit underwhelmed by the graphics too, but only because the first time I saw FO3 I had kind of a "wow" effect. Missed that here, but maybe it's just because so many developers are really pushing it with graphics now, compared to "back then".
I take no issue with the graphics, other than the slightly cartoon-like tinge they seem to be using to offset either the severity of the setting, or perhaps the limitations of the engine to push polygons. Pushing next gen graphics is not something the legendary RPGs ever really did, and it's not where the pay-off in the gaming experience lies. What interests me most of all is how well developed the narrative will be, how 'open' the choices presented to the player are, how much of an impact on the gameplay experience those choices make, and how immersive the game world and mechanics are.
I agree with this. I have lots of friends in the industry who turn up their nose at all of the bethesda stuff b/c they're seemly always behind the curve graphically but their success is obviously based on engagement and storytelling. If oblivion came out tomorrow it would likely be a hit and I feel the same about FO3. If FO4 is even in the ballpark of the others in the series it will be a classic.
I think the gfx look really good, like Bioshock Infinite just better, really adds to that old school 50's style art deco look and feel.
Years ago, I friend of mine was always telling me how awesome was fallout 3. After playing it for some hours I thought that the game was quite shitty. The RPG side of the game wasnt bad at all but the FPS side was really a shit, and what the fuck are those enemies? killer bees, mutant dogs, the most weird shit I ever saw and this was the main let down for me, couldnt stand the gameplay.

Game looks amazing from what they showed at the conference.
customizable weapons, custom power armor, using scrap to construct outposts with generators and turrets and lights, minigames on the PipBoy, just tons of awesome stuff way beyond what I was expecting.

release date is Nov 10 2015.

Also a little iOS app Fallout Shelter is free.

DOOM looks sick too especially with the custom map editor for multiplayer.
I watched the conference on twitch by chance. The hype was real, Doom both blew me away, and disappointed me : it's more "shoot them up" than Doom III, closer to what the original Doom was (levels full of enemies) but then again they might have just showcased the engine. I liked having somewhat of a story in Doom III, maybe the new Doom will keep the formula. I expect multiplayer to be disappointing, because the engine is not really that interesting in Doom, but the in-game editor might be super fun.

As for FallOut, I must say I have never really tried the franchise and have always kept on playing the elders scrolls games only. I have watched friends play FallOut3 and I don't know, it didn't attract me back then, and I never played any of them. So from my virgin eyes , I am quite underwhelmed by the graphics to be honest. I actually understood halfway through the trailer that it was actually the new one, and not FO3. But the atmosphere quite caught me, and I will jump on the wagon on this one, I totally trust Bethesda as a whole, and I know I am missing out already from the whole franchise, so I will not pass this one.

EDIT : for those who wondered, as apparently this was a rumor, you can play a female character indeed.
I've played Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas. Haven't taken the time with Fallout Tactics yet..

Personally I'm not liking what I see with Fallout 4. A lot of it was awesome, but I want a role-playing game..
We saw the S.P.E.C.I.A.L., and there were talks about perks, but there were no skills, and no Skill tab in the Pip boy.. that scares me..
I don't want to play as someone who's already a made up character with a voice..
If I play a low intelligence character, in my mind, they're going to sound like they just escaped from The Special Olympics.. another persons voice can't do that for me..

Also, it's too much console-ish.. with 4 dialogue options? That sucks..
And the character says more/different things from what the 4 options gave you..
It's going to be like this:

Meh, I dunno..
A lot of it was cool, but.. it's a point where it shouldn't be called Fallout anymore..
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Well what they essentially do is a total conversion from an Elder Scrolls title into the Fallout universe and call it a Fallout game. That's essentially what it's been since FO3. That being said, what I saw of the game exceeded the expectations I had of Bethesda, so I look forward to seeing it develop and more footage come out.
I've been enjoying the iOS game, although I keep setting fire to various rooms in my vault. I'm excited for both Fallout 4 and Dishonored 2 though, good times ahead!

I honestly wanted to play that more than 4.. :D
But I don't have one o' dem fancy phone-a-ma-things..
Only a month away, and now they'v released the system requirements.
Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz/AMD Phenom II X4 945 3.0 GHz or equivalent
30 GB free HDD space
NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or equivalent

Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
Intel Core i7 4790 3.6 GHz/AMD FX-9590 4.7 GHz or equivalent
30 GB free HDD space
NVIDIA GTX 780 3GB/AMD Radeon R9 290X 4GB or equivalent

I've got graphics card that can handle ex. Skyrim on Ultra, but I'm not sure I'll be able to play Fallout 4.. :S
I got 8Gb RAM and a AMD FX 8350, but a Radeon HD 7770..
Yeah, the general consensus seems to be that the requirements are a little steep. Maybe wait a couple of weeks after launch and see if anybody else tries playing it with that GPU?
Definitely waiting. Until they iron out all the bugs, and until I can see some reviews. I'm a bit skeptical this time around, more so than I was for Fallout 3.