Fan clubs

IMO a pretty good idea but forget about the split groups. This will just lead to rivality and several split up groups who have more (or very probably less) effect. If I look at the "Scythes of Bodom"-site for example they did a pretty good job so maybe somethin' among these lines could work out...
An official, central fan club would be cool (so no splitting up).
But Beserkers isn't a good name IMO (no offense). I think a Tolkien related name would be coolest, or a name from a song (Bastards from a Lying Breed :p )
Brilliant idea, I'm surprised the bands management don't already run one though?

As for a name how about "The Guardians Of Asgard" :kickass:
Berserkers is taken I believe. By BLS "The Doom Crew Berserkers"

Fan club is a good idea, splitting up is not such a good idea.
I would be happy to help with a fan club in any way I could.
^might want to make sure it hasn't already been taken by some neo nazis or something.....if it has then we would have to beat them up and steal their name.