Fan Of Other Music Then Metal....

:headbang: I know we are all fans of ProgPower and such, but do any of you follow other forms of music regardless of style and commerciality or artist that arent metal? :headbang:

Me personally, I have alsways enjoyed some smooth jazz and have also enjoyed Sade and when I was in college I did a research paper on Liz Phair when she had just come on the independant scene. It gives me a change once in awhile to keep the metal fresh. Even though PP will always be my first love in music.

Just curious what everybody else is into besides metal....

Oh man, I'm about to get banned from all metal events.....

I just got into metal a couple of years ago thanks to a co-worker, so bear with me.

I love country music! NEW country music, not old crooner Loretta Lynn stuff though.
I also have a fondness for "old school" "gangsta" rap - like Dre, Cube, Snoop, NWA. Though they don't get played as much as my country.

Alternative Rock and Grunge is also pretty good in my book. I use to listen to Pearl Jam, Everclear, Candlebox, Collective Soul, Nirvana, STP, and a bunch others.

Then of course there's the old stand-bys of Metallica, AC/DC, Aerosmith (not their new stuff), Guns N' Roses, Zeppelin, Floyd, and SKYNYRD.
I love tons of music. In fact, while I like metal the genre the most, most of my favorite bands are in other areas... Cheap Trick and Danger Danger are my two favorite bands...I also REALLY enjoy the current pop-punk scene (Good Charlotte, New Found Glory, Sum 41, 10Star...)...basically anything with a good sing-a-long melody.
I'm heavily into the Japanese pop music scene, and have a lot of favorites in there, as well as Japanese rock. Other than that my tastes are pretty eclectic - I like things from classical music and Broadway musicals, to mainstream rock like Green Day (whose new album is outstanding, IMO), to funky stuff like Robert Randolph and the Family Band. Also love some classic rock like Queen and ELO.
In addition to metal, I am a huge fan of guitar-oriented gothic rock like Bauhaus, Faith and the Muse, Bella Morte, and The Last Dance.

Heavenly Call - do you like the Marvelous 3? They seem like they'd be right up your alley.
I am really into flamenco music (hardcore stuff). Being that I am 1/2 Spanish (mother from Spain) I grew up listening to the great flamenco artists such as Tomatito, Manolo SanLucar, Los Reyes, the great Paco De Lucia, Ketama, Vicente Amigo. I also love some ambient/New Age stuff like Dead Can Dance, Dellerium, Jean Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Michael Hedges, Leo Kottke, Loreena McKennit, Bjork, Kate Bush, Tori Amos and some jazz stuff like Al DiMeola, Stanley Jordan, Russ Freeman, etc....only thing I am not overly interested in is Country and Rap music...most everything else is fair game in my book!
I'm actually into most mainstream "metal" bands (mudvayne and disturbed being the two main ones), along with some ska, old-school punk, and gothy-types of metal. If you listen to seismic, i was the oddball who requested the Cruxshadows on pellaz's watch.
warmwetos said:
Dead Can Dance

Tony, did you hear that Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry are working on a new Dead Can Dance album with plans to tour next year? It's finally official.

freakchylde said:
If you listen to seismic, i was the oddball who requested the Cruxshadows on pellaz's watch.

Like he wouldn't crank them up anyway ;)

I like some of the Cruxshadows' older stuff, but I find their newer material less and less appealing. Maybe it's just because the hot redhead left the band and I am being monstrously shallow :D
Pellaz said:
Bring back Stacey!

Or have a dual guitar harmony thing going on with George. Replace some of the electronics with good old-fashioned guitars, and then...well, it wouldn't sound like the Cruxshadows anymore, I suppose ;)
Like the original poster I like Sade (I own five of her releases,) and though I listen to about 95% metal, I still enjoy 70's rock, Southern rock, classic rock and a few modern rock bands like Fuel.

Infinite Void said:
I saw Robert Randolph open for Clapton back on July 4th. He frigging ROCKED - such an amazing band.

I've seen them a few times on David Letterman and Conan O'Brien before, but I have yet to actually see them live, in person. That is something I hope to remedy ASAP, because I know they are absolutely superb live.
While all I own is basically metal and hard rock (although Journey is up for debate on that issue) in high school a bunch of my friends were into Punk bands like Millencollin, NOFX, Lagwagon, DEviates, The Exploited, and Bad Religion, stuff like that. One of these days if I see Millencollins Penny Bridge Pioneers for cheap Ill snag it, every song on that is like a timewarp back to driving around the town in my friends 72 Chevelle with 4 of us piled in thinking we ruled the world.

Mok said:
Tony, did you hear that Lisa Gerrard and Brendan Perry are working on a new Dead Can Dance album with plans to tour next year? It's finally official.
Yeah I heard, friend Benmech from the boards and seismic radio told me! Have to bust out the CD's now to get ready! :)