Farewell/Adios etc. etc.


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey folks,

It's that time again for yours truly to pen another big rant. But, fortunately you see, this one is a bit different. It's different in that it will probably be my last rant on here.

I was made aware, recently, that my intentions/views etc. etc. apparently don't coincide with those of Opeth, Opeth.com, certain users of this forum, roadrunner(maybe?) etc. etc.

But hey, look, before I go on let's do one of those cool things they do in movies where it gets all dramatic near the start and then switches back to a few years in the past which leads up to the end.

April 2002. A very naive 15 year old is surfing the net, much the same as he does later on in life, but he's actually on a mission. He's in search of some mp3s by this really cool lookin' band he saw in Revolver magazine. He's not really sure what style of metal they play, nor what their albums are called, but he knows they look like a couple of dudes out of the 70's and that their songs are over 10 mins long! What an awesome gimmick, it sounds like something he'd be into.

Fast forward 3 years, this guy is now 18, Opeth are his favourite band, he's browsed their entire catalogue of music extensively, formed very strong opinions on each release and the band's progression throughout the years.

I came to UM about 3 years ago, brought here by that link to 'Opeth's OFFICIAL FORUM!' on the main page. I've since been a very regular poster on UM, with the crux of my posts residing right here, within the confines of the cozy little Opeth forum.

Much has changed throughout the years, particularily with the majority of older posters from my initial signing-up time having left to move to whatever other recesses of the internet they so desired to move to. I remained though, because I felt pretty compelled to keep conversing about my favourite band and trying to get the place back on track.

Just for it to be on the record, throughout all the good times, the shit times, the frustrating times, it was still a pleasure to be part of this community simply because we were all (generally) like-minded Opeth fans. I really appreciate the things I've learned on here over time, in regards to music composition, guitaring, music production etc. etc. A whole plethora of areas where this forum was key for bettering myself in and hopefully managing to help others.

It's kind of ironic, I feel, that now, the time for myself to move on, is not spurred by my dejection of the community nor the forum itself. It's not spurred by the hatred of anyone on here nor pure frustration. It's spurred on by the wishes of Opeth(.com).

Okay, so we're in the present. I've recently been informed that my interests don't lie in line with those of Opeth, or of those who work with Opeth. It seems honesty is something that doesn't lie well with the job of moderating this forum. Realizing that, finally, is quite a shame. I've always tried to participate in this community as I always have, with the same voice, the same opinions etc. because after all, that was what got me elected into moderatorhood by you guys in the first place.

Regardless, one PM to an admin seemed to be enough to undermine a year's worth of effort on my part on this forum. In light of that, I feel that the efforts placed into this place by the (active) moderator crew have been vastly underappreciated.

Having come to that realization, I've obviously felt compelled to create that obligatory (and ever so cliche) 'farewell (insert forum name)' thread. This is actually my first time creating one, despite all the forums I've left over the years. That's because this place actually meant quite a bit to me, with all the things I've learned here ever since April 2002, when I'd signed up to UM.

So my appreciation goes out to all you guys and girls who've been a positive force on this forum throughout time. I've appreciated the contributions of all who've partaken in meaningful discussions on here, and I can only hope to see some of the same on other parts of the internet. I also really appreciate all you guys who initially voted me into the moderating position and those who've been supportive through the several months of this term.

As I understand it, you will be getting a new moderator. So I wish you all the best with that, and I hope you can all come to terms with each other and keep this place moving in a positive direction, even in the wake of the iminent huge influx of new fans after the release of Ghost Reveries (hehe, we sure saw a bit of that after the webrip of Conjuration).

Just to clarify: I haven't been forced to leave this forum. I've simply been told the job of moderator is falling to somebody else. I'm leaving this place solely of my own volition.

So, I suppose that's pretty much all I want to say. Sorry for having ranted on a tad, but I felt the occasion merited it.

All the best to you guys - I'll be seeing you all around other parts of UM,
Moonie (Ermin).
Awww moonie! :cry:

It was good to have you on as moderator, as I see it the best mod this board has seen (including Opeth.com)

It seemed pointless at times to try and keep this place going in a positive direction but you kept at it and kept it as clean as possible.
Even as I type the negativeness is pollution this forum despite the new topic of the album AND getting a taste of it.

Im sure you'll be apreciated by many and missed by many more as a moderator and a fellow Opeth fan.

Goodbye, Farewell and all that jazz :wave:
I always thought it was cool that th mod was from Australia. It sucks to see you going, although I thought you should have been a stricter mod your a really nice guy and it sucks you will be leaving this place. Bye,maybe Il see you in Melbourne sometime sooner rather than later.
I haven't had much of a voice on this forum, but it was a pleasure having you moderate for us.

I remember a while back you went away for a while, and everyone was like "Where's Moonie?", "When's he coming back?". I think people missed you a bit.

Anyway, catch you later.

Man what is this, I'm shocked! Moonlapse fired?? Whoever took the decision, I wish he had the balls to make a public annoncement.
Saber Rider said:
Is it really because of the TGC- radio rip?

Wouldn't the right punishment be to ban trey for that?

i don't think so, because if not trey, someone else would have done the same.
as people know how internet works, they [opeth or roadrunner] should have predicted what would happen when they sent the new song to this radio who made some people listen to it. of course we're many here and this new effort caused such a loooong thread.

opeth are such a good band that people always can't wait to hear something new, and god knows how long we were awaiting this moment.

of course i guess the album will be leaked, some people will download it, some other will wait the official release. i don't know myself what i'll do, but i find disrespectful to the band getting mp3s a month before the release, and i WON'T be juggling here saying people that ghost reveries is on the net for sure.

i don't find that rip a good reason to fire moonlapse.
also, i considered him a good person since he's so young and at the same time he was the moderator of such a big place, which we can say is often hard to control.
Bye Moonlapse, it was great to have you around even though Iam still a stupid little newbie. Wish you the best of luck in the future, come back and post some time, so we know your still alive! Cheers mate :wave: