Farewell/Adios etc. etc.

I don't post here much but from what i've read of moonlapse's posts they've been insightful something that can't be said of most posts on here. I also liked your moderator-ship cause it was "in tune" with the community and not some dictatorship. Also, IF this whole mess is because of the webrip then that's just a lame move by whatever person made that decision. I can understand if the band (or management) is upset over the fact that a poor quality rip will be peoples first impression of the album, but then why not release a better quality sample on the official site. I also hope you change your mind and come back in the future moonlapse or that whoever kicked you reinstates you.
Well... the liberal moderation was fun. Sad that its probably over now.
I think one of the reasons moonlapse might have been kicked out is because he didn't seem to mind the nevermore leak thread or p2p mp3 downloading in general. Kinda sad because mp3s are what have gotten a huge majority of people into Opeth.

But then, there is a greater chance that its all trey 's fault.
Looking for a Job said:
dude they're not pissed bout the rip...

Then please tell us what they're pissed about. This really is a shame. Even though I was mostly a lurker here and that means I don't have much say but Moonlapse was a great moderater. One of the best on any boards I've been to. Farewell. :erk:
Moonlapse -

You really shouldn't go. I know feeling unappreciated can really hurt and how you want to detach yourself from the forum, but you contribute way to much, I don't participate much anymore, but I check in often. You along with only a handful of others make this forum worth coming back to. (I even enjoy ninefeet’s posts !!).

You’ve done a great job of moderating. Why don’t you stay and just post as a regular member – it will take some of the responsibility off you and maybe you’ll enjoy it better?

By the way – you posted a video clip of a solo (maybe from the moor?) a while back that was really good. You’ve got good guitar skills (*In the voice of Napoleon Dynamite*).

Well – just wanted to pay my respects if you really do leave. Nice knowing you brother.


2002 - 2005
RjBeals said:
Moonlapse -

You really shouldn't go. I know feeling unappreciated can really hurt and how you want to detach yourself from the forum, but you contribute way to much, I don't participate much anymore, but I check in often. You along with only a handful of others make this forum worth coming back to. (I even enjoy ninefeet’s posts !!).

You’ve done a great job of moderating. Why don’t you stay and just post as a regular member – it will take some of the responsibility off you and maybe you’ll enjoy it better? .

By the way – you posted a video clip of a solo (maybe from the moor?) a while back that was really good. You’ve got good guitar skills (*In the voice of Napoleon Dynamite*).

Well – just wanted to pay my respects if you really do leave. Nice knowing you brother.


2002 - 2005

Not much more I can add to that really.

There are few enough contributors of value as it is, you should consider remaining with us.

Id said:
Moonlapse has been here since I joined the forums, he's the only member I recognized when I came back. You're cool as hell man

I'm an old geezer too. I think I joined the same date as Moonlapse as changso.
Someone might want to start a petition for our beloved Moonie to stay as moderator :Spin:

Im sure with enough support Opeth.com will be unable to refuse.
Nuk3m said:
Someone might want to start a petition for our beloved Moonie to stay as moderator :Spin:

Im sure with enough support Opeth.com will be unable to refuse.

I've been thinking about that too. But before doing anything, I'll wait for Opeth.com answer to my PM.
I guess with the imminent release (and leak ofcourse) of the new Opeth album it's vaguely understandable that they are worried by liberal attitudes of the forum moderators towards that kind of thing but if Moonlapse's general attitude towards p2p/mp3 sharing really played any part in this then maybe Opeth/Opeth.com should re-evaluate what exactly brought them to having a worldwide distribution deal with Roadrunner Records. Because I'm willing to bet a huge portion of the people on this forum got into Opeth in the first place after being sent or pointed towards some mp3s (I know I did).

Back when MAYH/Still Life were out Opeth were largely unknown and I think during that period especially that word of mouth (which works a lot better when you can actually send someone a sample rather than "Hey buy this CD of this band you've never heard of that you probably can't find at your recordstore anyway") was the main thing that caused their fanbase to continue growing steadily.

Rensei said:
I've been thinking about that too. But before doing anything, I'll wait for Opeth.com answer to my PM.

Cool, Id start one but ive probably got to many people that dislike me and it might ruin it for old Moonie, best wait for a reply from Anna first anyways.