Farewell/Adios etc. etc.

Well I can understand why she/they/opeth might be a bit unhappy with the board lately.

Most of the threads were rubbish, people were flaming everywhereh and nobody seemed to do anything about it. Not really cool when a lot of new people check in.

However, firing Moonlapse is not the right solution, they should just tell him to keep everybody on a tighter leash. Moonlapse was someone EVERYBODY had respect for. If he told people to shut up, they probably would do that more than when some new moderator told them...
sad news cause moonlapse posts were intelligent, interesting to read and insightful. Not could be said by many that post here.
True. I do believe that Moonlapse is universally respected throughout the board (in as much as anyone is).

People have been leaving in droves only to be replaced by more schoolyard banter and insults.

The board needs tightening up, with the number of new posters appearing the forum would become a major embarrassment to the band. Let's face it, none of us want the end result that concluded the Anathema forum. Aside from the AntiMatter one, this forum is the only other one that springs to mind as becoming a waste of time even looking at recently.
There is one: irc.quakenet.org #opeth, I'm an op there. Say hi to me when you're there.

Well I sent a pm to Opeth.com too, I hope it will make a difference.

Although I respect Moonlapse very much, I DO think this board needs some clearing up. There are way too many abusive posts here. Some said before that's not a bad thing and that it's fun. For them, it might be true. However, on the other side of the medal, many people are not checking in anymore because of this abuse.

I like to think of Opeth fans as intelligent people. It doesn't show on the board...
It's a shame to see you go. I always looked forward to seeing your replies in threads because they were actually worth reading, unlike many of the other posts, which I suppose is part of the reason for your demise. I really wish you would stay here as a poster, but I think you've already made your mind up.

Good luck with your music, you're very talented and I always loved hearing your take on Opeth songs (especially the new solo). I'm a little sad that I never got to hear any of your original material, though. When you finish recording something, I'm sure everyone would love for you to make a brief return here so we can give it a listen.
Moonie, gone? :erk:

In all seriousness, though...Even if I am a pesky n00b here, I've frequented other forums for years. And Moonlapse, I can honestly say you're the best mod I've run across. You've done a great job with this forum from what I can see and everything you said was always informative and well-thought-out. For whatever reason, you're leaving now and it's going to be their (and our) loss. What a ridiculous decision on the part of whoever wanted you replaced. We'll miss you. Please come back and visit us. Wreak some havoc under a fake username or something :Spin:
How about we defend you from her? What can we do?

I don't want to see you go, you're a great person, although I haven't had too much time to understand that.
i'll bet it might be that rip. if not, then its everyone's fault...anyone who made threads turn ridiculous. moonlapse, you were to nice of a fucking guy. i don't understand the problem with the rip, if that is it. it was on the radio.

well, see ya moonlapse. hopefully you will still return to this forum under a different profile. if so, pm some people so we can say whats up.