Farmakon gig - AFTERGLOW


IkiHorros Hypocrazy
Jul 20, 2003
Tamperkele, Tammerfrost, FIN
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Ok.. let´s start slowly.
First of all there were LOTS of people! Didn´t really think so.
Second of all... oh fuck this!


Sounds were PERFECT!
Guys played like GODS!
Marko sang like a fucking DEMON FROM OUTERSPACE HELL!!


My head aches and my ears are going *piiiiiip* until tomorrow. Why use the earplugs...(ok, should have)
but I don´t care ´cause the gig was AMAZING!
LISÄÄ tätä! (more this!)

Wasn´t reeeeaaaally a big fan before but you caught me. Happy now? :D

And the next gig will be...?

Ok. Let´s hear what the boys have to say about all this.
(faaa-ak. vittu oli hienooo!)


I'm sorry to tell you, but this gig blew my ass away. Really. It's nowhere to be found. I've never been in a concert where I've lost my butt. Everyting else but not my ass. Still having hard time searching it.

@Lumitalvi: Didn't run into you, but I think you must've seen me. Had to consume a pint per ten minutes at some point and then run to the "dance floor" to do some false moshing ("NO FUN, NO MOSH, NO TRENDS!"). Before the last encore I offered a flower to Windom/Marko with my mouth (and he accepted it, I'm so gonna score), which crowned my sexually fulfilled evening.

For the rest of the night, I really can't say, as I was very, very drunk. And I still haven't found my ass

Didn't really believe that I'd say this, but I love you guys. Keep up humping my balls. And give back my buttocks.
oh, Horza, they woke you up? or just opened the door and pushed you out? well... good for you... Yes... yes... I have to totally agree... this was. amazing, yes. I hardly ever enjoy too much live shows, but this... this was somethign I really really enjoyed (not as much as Horza, well.. he was moshing all the time and I was sitting)...

Markos vocals were on a bit too low level... just a bit more of vocals would have bee nice, though I heard the singing, but speaking wasn't so loud...

oh, and drumming, holy mother of god, it was awesome, of course with the bass and guitar work... More gigs guys, this is it. yes, definately...
Being the normal Finn that I am, I'm drinking ridiculous amounts of beverages to make the time pass more quickly. Soon those dirty Opeth-ripoffs will rape and reap your puny country without any remorse.
The gig was great. I'm so fucking tired now but I had fun. And people really seemed to like our stuff. We will come to England with or without Horza... Preferrably soon. Or later. :D Anyway. Drunk, tired... Good gig. Thanks to all who was there. Hopefully another gig soon. Now. Good night.
We're not coming anywhere. The band's all fired and I'm moving to Timbuktu to farm broilers and fried eggs.

Naah it was great. I'm not so sure about all the clean vocals though. For some reason I didn't feel resonance in my head at all (maybe instruments too loud on stage, I dunno), and had difficulties staying in tune.

But other than that, fun fun. Pictures soon to come! :)
Jepjep. just töihin, ei hirveen freesi olo... :D

We'll see about the pictures. I just checked those and there weren't any good ones. and I don't mean that we would have had funny faces, but that all the pics were "shaked". too long "exposure time" or whatsitcalled...

Windom: siltä eemeliltä voisi kysyä, vai?
Ville ainakin sanoi, että sillä voi olla muutama ihan onnistunut. käyn tänään katsomassa.