fat burning pills

Interesting thread, I'll make some unrelated points without quoting anyone, please don't hit me.

Push-Ups: like Zod said, push-ups shouldn't be the main focus of your pectoral exercices. I use push-ups as a good "finisher" between each bench set. I usually do around 50-60 when not doing any bench set and 20-30 when I just did a bench set. I also use an inclined/declined super 7 exercice on the bench to get better results. I should do more endurance, but oh well. The gym was closed for the week anyway.

Tuna is pretty good for the protein intake. I usually eat it right out of the can too, without any mayo or stuff. Peanut butter is also excellent. The natural one of course.

And Redbulls don't provide any kind of energy....... so taking one before training is pretty useless.

I don't use any kind of creatine of other added proteins in any food I take. Actually, I have a pretty standart diet. For the best or the worst, I'd say. I feel eating supplements is kind of cheating.
I don't use any kind of creatine of other added proteins in any food I take. Actually, I have a pretty standart diet. For the best or the worst, I'd say. I feel eating supplements is kind of cheating.

Cheating whom?!? Creatine, Glutamine, Whey, Casein, etc, are all natural supplements that your body needs. If you're working out, and you DON'T take them, the only person you're cheating is yourself. But hey, if you're pounding down 6 breasts of chicken, 4 cans of tuna, and a garden of sweet potatoes a day, more power to you mate. :)
ive used muscle milk and other various things with the guidance of a friend of the family who so happens to be a trainer. nothing worked, even altering my diet completely didnt help. supposedly i could have a hyperactive thyroid.
Well you're only 19 aye? What's your average diet consist of?

I'm an expert in the field of nutrition. I used to weigh 110 lbs @ 6ft Tall all through my high school years, then ballooned up to 220 >9% bf, which was followed years later by becoming the fat ass you all know and love. I've done it all.

Getting rid of these chins!!! :mad:
I'm so fat, that my cock grew a five skin to act as an awning for the torrential downpour of sweat that trickles off my brow whenever I have to get up to answer the telephone.
I don't remember Jerry being particularly overweight


Nor did I. Until I seen the pics from HCII. Good Christ, I had more chins than a Hong Kong Phone Book. It's all good though, that ghastly sight has sparked a new found enthusiasm towards nutrition and exercise. Scared straight if you will. :kickass:

It was getting bad though. 6 years ago I was so dedicated to physical fitness that my buddy just before being shipped out to the marine corps, jokingly said, "I better see you on the cover a magazine when I return." I fucking still remember that comment to this day, and how much I let myself down through the leisurely pursuits of boozriffery. Flash forward 5 and a half years later to this past spring when that same friend dropped by for me to join him for a luncheon. After a mexicano feast, we returned to my abode, where my other buddy set me up for the bad news.

Mike: Jerry, James has something to tell you.
Jerry: O.K what is it?
James: You're getting fat bro.

Good Christ, talk about an intervention. :erk:

Just finished doing stiff legged deads, FTW. And fuck me along with it. Where's that syringe with Clen? :u-huh:
Fuck if I can lose another 2-3% bf, I'll be in rather decent physicality. I'm abstaining from beer/booze as soon I return from Noctis.

Purchased 1,000 grams of ProCarnosine to assist me with this goal. Probably going to pick up some creatine (if I can find a brand that doesn't cause a tremendous amount of bloating), as well as a bcaa formula.

Fuck the World, it's good to be able to run without panting for air.

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