like Don said, it's fine to listen to music you like - it's usually what gets you to listen to music in the first place right?
and I know Coil, don't worry, and I don't like that Ulver remix cd, but I still like Ulver - I'm not saying they're the best, the originators, and I don't just like them because they were a black metal band (by what standards were they a black metal band anyway?) - I just like their music
and electronic music was invented by Kraftwerk right, so all those after them are not original at all, that's right, they're just bad, stop listening to them and get the real deal: Kraftwerk - or wait, no, I'm wrong here of course - Kraftwerk just copied this band noone knows and everyone forgot about except you, and these guys were the real deal and that's why you are such a great music fan for knowing them and yeah, you're just the best....