Fav bodom album poll!!


Doesnt think KTS is gay
Jan 2, 2008
Well, i just signed up and this is my first post. Anyways just wanted to see everybody's opinion on there favorite album from CoB. Also, does anybody know if they ever found out what happened to Alexi's Sig "Wildchild" jackson? I know it was stolen but did anybody ever find it or sell it or something?i really loved that guitar and kinda wish he would switch back to jackson (sounds better IMO). anyways, COBHC 4 LIFE!!
AAH SHIT, tried to go back to change the number of polls from 4 to 5 and it posted the damn thing...../sigh oh well, i'll do it manually i guess

1. Something Wild
2. Hatebreeder
3. Follow the Reaper
4. Hatecrew Deathroll
5. Are you dead yet.

pick a number ;)

i choose 3. follow the reaper is an amazing album, well they all are but i think FTR sticks out in my mind the most, probably because Kissing the Shadows is the best song ever!
I know your all giddy about Bodom so just consider ALL the albums and songs your favorite, ok? Oh, and I have the "Wildchild" guitar.

On topic - I choose option number 3 (?)
IMO, Children of Bodom peaked with Something Wild/Hatebreeder and started going downhill after Follow the Reaper. Something Wild has amazing melodies/riffs literally through the whole album, with a couple short moments of mediocrity - AYDY, in contrast, is basically a rehash of Hatecrew Deathroll (which in itself was less innovative and melodically inclined than the albums before it).
AAH SHIT, tried to go back to change the number of polls from 4 to 5 and it posted the damn thing...../sigh oh well, i'll do it manually i guess

1. Something Wild
2. Hatebreeder
3. Follow the Reaper
4. Hatecrew Deathroll
5. Are you dead yet.

pick a number ;)

i choose 3. follow the reaper is an amazing album, well they all are but i think FTR sticks out in my mind the most, probably because Kissing the Shadows is the best song ever!

Welcome to Hellfucked forum.
IMO, Children of Bodom peaked with Something Wild/Hatebreeder and started going downhill after Follow the Reaper. Something Wild has amazing melodies/riffs literally through the whole album, with a couple short moments of mediocrity - AYDY, in contrast, is basically a rehash of Hatecrew Deathroll (which in itself was less innovative and melodically inclined than the albums before it).

What you have said has been a thousand times before. And no one cares man. I'm sorry.

I pick 5, IMO AYDY is their best album.

I really think FtR is their best but I always pick AYDY? just cause faggots always bash it when it is in fact a good cd, not their greatest but it doesn't suck like all these cry babies say. I can't wait until Blooddrunk comes out so they can shut the fuck up about AYDY cry about something new since they're never happy :p :lol:
I really think FtR is their best but I always pick AYDY? just cause faggots always bash it when it is in fact a good cd, not their greatest but it doesn't suck like all these cry babies say. I can't wait until Blooddrunk comes out so they can shut the fuck up about AYDY cry about something new since they're never happy :p :lol:

Are You Dead Yet BLOWS :loco: *sticks tongue out and taunts*

Nah, it was alright, but definitely their weakest album of the bunch. I only dig three songs off it.
I really think FtR is their best but I always pick AYDY? just cause faggots always bash it when it is in fact a good cd, not their greatest but it doesn't suck like all these cry babies say. I can't wait until Blooddrunk comes out so they can shut the fuck up about AYDY cry about something new since they're never happy :p :lol:

Whooh, my thoughts exactly, I like to pick AYDY to balance polls :lol:. Ftr is my most played COB album.
The melody isn't, and stop sucking Alexi's balls. Just 'cause he thinks its gay doesn't mean you should.

I think the keyboard melody in the chorus is supremely GAY and I'm allowed to think so, even if Alexi thinks the same. What a way to spoil a good song.
I always thought there was something wrong about that song. Didn't quite figure what. Then I read that interview, and I realized that chorus indeed is so embarrasing, but it's otherwise a rock'n'roll track if you like solos.

I never thought that there is something wrong until I read that interview. And I still can't figure it out what makes it so gay. But song title gives me a good laugh every time I read it...
I really think FtR is their best but I always pick AYDY? just cause faggots always bash it when it is in fact a good cd, not their greatest but it doesn't suck like all these cry babies say. I can't wait until Blooddrunk comes out so they can shut the fuck up about AYDY cry about something new since they're never happy :p :lol:

AYDY is my favorite album from them, the other ones are just weak. Sinergy is miles ahead of all CoB songs though.