Favorite albums

Nuclear Knight

I'll never tell
Jan 10, 2002
Never, Neverland.
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I have been a TRUE metalhead all my life.
I'm 30 years old, and I started to listen to metal when I was about 12 -13 years old.

I just want to say that of all the metal albums I've owned and heard, that two are outstanding pieces of art, and will, forever shine as life changing events (when I bought them).

Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power
Nevermore - Dead Heart In A Dead World

Both of these albums re-defined metal music for me, and changed the way I viewed music as an art form.

First, it was Pantera. With Vulgar Display, they made me see/realize music was something more than just "audible entertainment" This was the first time I was "moved", and touched emotionally and mentally by music.
The energy and power that Phil put forth on this album, made me think of him on a higher plane than just a human being, or "rock-star".
Doubled w/ Dime, they re-defined the Singer/Axeman duo.
The message of the whole CD is awash in power, strength, and pride through integrity. And now, w/ me at 30, and working in the corporate American filth I do, and constantly being around sharks and money hungry bulldogs w/ no morals or standards whatsoever, it still comforts me to listen to Phil's preaching and know, that I have an identity, and to be true to myself, and proud of what I am. It reminds me that all the money in the world, can't buy you your self-respect. And most importantly of all, it helps me to stand tall, and never forget or give up on my dreams......whatever they may be at that particular point in my life.

Now, on to Nevermore.............I don't know what can be said of this release, that would be much different than Pantera's opus.
I guess the main difference would have to be that it's a bit more artsy.......less raw, and overall, more intelligent.
Progressive thrash......that's what it is!
The reason it hit me so hard, (besides the obvious of course, the sheer beauty and unearthly musical talents of it's members) is because I was at a point in my life where I had absolutely no idea there was an explosive metal underground. I hadn't heard of the "NWOSMDM" and the great guitar movement of Sweden. I had no idead there were creations such as Opeth and Children Of Bodom.
And what I did know of these "new" bands, was foolishly filed away in the "Oh great, another fucking dumb, boring death/doom/black/satan-I-wanna-suck-your-cock/hi, we play at a million miles an hour, yet lack any semblance of talent whatsoever, category.
Boy, was I missing out.
At any rate, all I was listening to at this point in time, was all that I thought was out there for any self respecting metalhead. You know, the old standby's.........
Annihilator, etc. etc.

Hell, I didn't even know that Testament was still alive and kicking!

So needless to say, when I enlisted on the Pantera board, and all these chaps, and chappettes were talking Nevermore this, and Arch Enemy that, I was like....."Okay.....if I were to take a chance on all this stuff you rave about, and buy some new shit......what should I get"? And they said Nevermore........I had no idea my life was about to change in almost the same magnitude it did w/ Pantera.
Remember, the radio airplay was Limpkorn monkey creedbizkit linkinpork.
So I had no faith whatsoever in any major label record company. Enter......Century Media.
Their roster is of mammoth porportions in the underground. Wow.......a whole new metal world was opened up B4 my eyes. It almost reminded me of the metal hey-day back in '86-'91, when you could walk into everything from Camelot records to NRM and even K-Mart, and find a decent metal release on the shelves.
Ever since this awakening, I have been buying and listening to the same volume of metal I bought/listened to as a teen.
Now, I've got 10 x the selection to listen to.
For every Exodus there is an In Flames. For every Metallica there is a Sinergy. For every M.O.D. there is a Grip Inc. Kind of a Yin and Yang thing. New meets old, good meets better.......you get the idea. It makes me appreciate all of the choices I have.

And you can rest assured..............I'm loving every fucking second of it.
Cool post dude! I am 44 and been into metal since 1976 and there is still so much to discover!! That is what's so exciting about this metal world. It is more than just playing and buying your favorite bands. It is discovering time and time again new sounds, getting excited about new discoveries/bands/styles.

I could tell you so much about this. Last year I discovered Dimmu Borgir's latest album and a world opend for me. At this moment I am eagerly awaiting the new Symphony X album. The metal scene is dynamic, it is an Heraclitean ever changing flux. That's why I love it so much. It is never boring. Following the scene since 1976 and even before it, has been one of the most exciting parts of my life and I will continue to do this until my last breath.

Rock on duder!! :headbang:
I guess us "TRUE OLD METALHEADS" never die we just get older and wiser im 29 and started listing to metal in 4th/5th grade
i have to say i have a lot of favorite albums but i have 3-4 that changed my way of looking at metal im a more old school metal head than a new one old= pre 95
my #1 album has to be SANCTUARY- REFUGE DENIED what can i say it's bass ass
my #2 has to be KING DIAMOND- ABIGAIL
my #4 has to be SLAYER-HELL AWAITS
Im still into the thrash/speed metal from the 80's/early 90's myself and i dont care what anybody has to say THAT WAS THE BEST YEARS FOR US METALHEADS AND THATS THAT
Slayer: ALL
The Crown: Deathrace king
Celtic Frost: Morbid tales
Destruction: Live- without sense
Deicide: legion
Carcass: Symphonies of sickness
Death: Leprosy
black label society: Stronger than death
Cannibal corpse: The bleeding
Megadeth: Rust in peace
My Favorite albums are as follows:
1:power Slave-Iron Maiden
2:Rust in Peace-Megadeth
3:Cowboys From Hell-Pantera
5:Hell Awaits-Slayer
6:Seasons in the Abyss:Slayer
Metal Head Forever More
So here is another 30-year old to vote:

British Steel - Judas Priest
Blackout - Scorpions
Operation Mindcrime - Queensryche
Highway to Hell & Back in Black - AC/DC
Wheels of Steel - Saxon
Iron Maiden & Piece of Mind - Iron Maiden
Metal Heart - Accept
Kill 'Em all & Master of Puppets - Metallica

These are just some that came to my mind right now, I probably forgot a lot of good ones again.
Motorhead - Ace of Spades, Ironfist
Iron Maiden - Killers, Piece of Mind
Queensryche - Op. Mindcrime
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Megadeth - Peace Sells...
Racer X - Second Heat, Superheroes
Ozzy Osbourne - Tribute
AC/DC - Highway To Hell
Tool - Undertow
Dio - Holy Diver

There are several others, these are just a few.
These albums made me say "Wow" the first time I ever heard them.

Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1
I bought this tape the first time it came out. I never heard anything like it and I was hooked ever since.

Judas Priest - Painkiller
Totally different from Priest's previous albums. This was a big change for them and it was a change for the better. I remember making
my friends listen to this and try to make them guess who it was. They were all as surprised as me when they found out it was Judas Priest.

White Lion - Pride
Just three words describes this album...Guitars!Guitars!Guitars!

Of course I have many more favorites, but these three are one that really stick out in my mind because of the effect it had on me when I heard them the first time.
Hey dudes, 17 years old right here. Just got into metal when I was 15 two years ago. I know I have a long life ahead me of the greatest thing ever and that is heavy metal. It is more than just music it is a life style. There are so many bands that are unknown and unheard of that it can never get boring. As of right now my favorite albums would have to be....

Judas Priest - Defenders Of The Faith
Iron Maiden - Somwhere In Time
Metallica - Ride The Lightning
King Diamond - Abigail
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol
Queensryche - Operation: MINDcrime
Savatage - Hall Of The Mountain King
Metal Church - Blessing In Disguise
Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
KISS - Creatures Of The Night
Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond

Oh man there are so many but those are my top favs. Also I agree Nevemore - Dead Heart In A Dead World is phnominal and kicks some mean ass. Also can't forget "Rust In Peace" by Megadeth, "Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera and "South Of Heaven" by Slayer.
Wow...It's great to see everyone still hailing metal as we get on.I'm 27 and still loving the scene more now than what i did when i was a teenager.Alot of my friends that i grew up with that i used to kick around with who were equaly excited about metal have fall'n by the way side.Traded their metal cd's for a more "mature" alternative like the vomit inducing sounds of Brit Pop,and Creed (shit...it makes me ill just typing their name) etc.But at least they handed down alot of their albums to me hahaha.
The first band i ever got excited about was Anthrax.At an early teenager i was getting into music from my sisters record collection and dicovered Run DMC which also spawned my first purchase of their Tougher Than Leather album.Hardly insporational.I was just chuffed that i bought my first album.The only half decent song on it was the Aerosmith collaberation Walk This Way which i had it peeked on the stero on a regular basis.And then my neighbour at the time introduced my I'm The Man by Anthrax.That song changed my whole thought process on the way i percieved music that i liked to hear.I quickly got my self some blank tapes and got him to tape me some other shit like Anthrax.And what he gave me was the difinitive moment in my love for metal.Anthrax's Among The Livivg,Slayer's Reign In Blood,Kreator's Extreme Aggresion,Bolt Thrower's Realm Of Chaos,Morbid Angels Altars Of Madness and Exodus's Fabulous Disaster.I was Hooked.They were the first bands i ever felt a passion towards and still do to this day.
Over the years my tastes have varied but my heart lies deeply imbedded with Extreme Metal.Misfits were another band that i got into immensly which opened the door to the world of Punk and Hardcore.Hearing those cats bash out awsome songs with the use of only three cords made me think that i could reproduce this as it sounded so fucking easy.That was pivotal moment when i picked up the guitar and haven't looked back.Now here i am with my own band,recording our first album.A second band starting as we speak.Ohh how i love metal.
Other bands and albums that have inspired me to no measure:
Corroson Of Conformity-Blind
Fear Factory-Soul Of A New Machine
Saigon Kick-Saigon Kick
Cathedral-Ethereal Mirror
Metallica-...And Justice For All
Soundgarden-Bad Motor Finger
The Dillinger Escape Plan-Calculating Infinity
Helmet-In The Meantime
Mordred-In This Life
Brutal Truth-Need To Control
Well, I'm all of 19, and been listening to metal for over two years(had to get myself into though). And some of my favorite albums are:
Arcturus-La Masquerade Infernale
The Crown-Deathrace King
Slayer-Reign In Blood
At The Gates-Slaughter Of The Soul(duh)
Megadeth-Killing Is My Business
Marduk-Panzer Division Marduk
Immolation-Dawn Of Possession
Suffocation-Effigy Of The Forgotten
Meshuggah-Destroy Erase Improve
Celtic Frost-To Mega Therion
and so on and so fourth
Both of those albums are killer. (Pantera, Nevermore) If I had to pick 2 myself...
1. Slayer-Seasons in the Abyss
2. Testament-Practice What You Preach.

I am 26 and discovered metal at age 12 with Anthrax's "State of Euphoria". I am not counting all the hours of Ozzy, Maiden & Priest I heard in the backround over at a friend's house because of his older brother when I was like 8. I think I inherited liking metal via the subconscious mind.
Hey Nuclear! I love that Pantera album too. Actually I love all their albums actually :) I like Pantera for being real heavy and catch y at the same time and the range of Anselmo's voice. I love the melodic songs that Pantera does too. I first heard Pantera from around like a year ago. When I bought Reinventing The Steel and I was BLOWN away even though alot of Pantera fans don't like that record. I'm 18 years old now and I've been listening to metal for like around 3 years now. There is alot of great metal bands out there and it's a great feeling when I get some metal albums that I love. Sometimes some good metal band do get popular and goes mainstream but it's better to hunt music and not depending on the media to feed it to you. :headbang: KEEP ON HEADBANGING ALL!

These are my favourite albums
Entombed - Morning Star
Obituary - Anthology
Pantera - All of them
Sepultura - Roots, Chaos A.D, and Arise
i'm 20 years old and have been into metal music since 1991..and my favourite albums..

Destruction - Sentence Of Death/Infernal Overkill
Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Slayer - Reign In Blood
Death - Symbolic
Whiplash - Insult To Injury
Exodus - Bonded By Blood
Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver
Sepultura - Beneath The Remanis
Metal Church - Metal Church
Metal Church - The Dark
Vendetta - Brain Damage
Atrophy - Socialized Hate
Anthrax - Spreading The Disease
Death - Human
Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Cynic - focus
Kreator - Coma Of Souls
Atheist - Piece Of Time
Sabbat - Dreamweaver
Control Denied - Fragile Art Of Existence
Dream Theater - Images & Words
Forbidden - Forbidden Evil
Testament - The Legacy
Sabbath's : Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, started it for me got it about when I was in 5th or 6th class .It had been out for a couple of years but that was the begining for me ........
Damn, well, I'd have to say they were all my fav, from one record to the next,lol. My all time, get out of my way, you couldn't pry it from my dead hands with a bulldozer, album of all time, is definatley Overkill's Horrorscope. Up until I stumblud upon this treasure at a flea market (behind my mother's back) at the age of 13, I knew metal as far as megedeth, metallica, iron maiden stuff.
I thought that's where it ended, but I quickly found out from that album on, there was no turning back now,lol. The best thing was, they were local boys,lol. Now that I've been out of the hunger for a few years now, Trying to get back into it is harder then ever,lol. But, this site, for it being free and all, it is very resourcefull on ideas of what to buy next, up the irons boys, I'm heading in,lol.
I'm 36 and a rocker for almost 20 years and my faves, really ones (because I like all my collection) are:

Black Sabbath - "Heaven And Hell"
Iron Maiden - "Piece Of Mind"
Judas Priest - "Defenders Of The Faith"
Motorhead - "Ace Of Spades"
Thin Lizzy - "Jailbreak"
Deep Purple - "The House Of Blue Light"
Saxon - "Power & The Glory"
Rush - "2112"
Nazareth - "The Fool Circle"
Helloween - "Keeper Of The Seven Keys, pt.1"
Rainbow - "Rising"
Baron Rojo - "Volumen Brutal
Rata Blanca - "Magos, Espadas Y Rosas"
Nightwish - "Angels Fall First"
Pink Floyd - "Animals"

there are more but I'm tired:D
For metal...

Slayer - Reign in Blood
Iron Maiden - 7th Son...
Metallica - ...And Justice For All
Metallica - Kill 'Em All
Slayer - South of Heaven

I have some more that I really like, but these are the ones that I never get tired of listening to.