Favorite albums

i'm 17 and not been into metal long but fave albums would have to be

iron maiden- number of the beast
metallica- master of puppets
pantera- fay beyond driven
judas priest- british steel
motorhead- ace of spades
deep purple- machine head
faith no more- the real thing
AC/DC- back in black
I'm 14 and I only started getting into metal 6 months ago, but I've already found hundreds of underground bands. I hope I'm still into metal in twenty years time.

The albums that got me into metal were:

Metallica - All the old albums
Megadeth - Peace Sells But Who's Buying
Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith
Iron Maiden - Best of the Beast
Sabbath - Vol 4 (not the best Sabbath album, but it's damn good)
Slayer - Reign in Blood

Now I'm listenin to all kindsa shit, but I guess I owe it to those albums.