Favorite bands with higher register vocalists...

Does Devin Townsend count?
The Haunted's debut album (Dolving fucking rules)
A lot fo noisecore that I like (Botch, Cave IN, Drowningman etc.)

THat's about as high pitched as I'll go when it comes to vocals.
Geoff Tate on Mindcrime and Empire.
Kiske on Seven Keys pt 1 & 2.
Kai Hansen on Land of the Free.
Ozzy on everything up to No Rest for the Wicked.
Bruce on anything. He is God though.

Funny how perspectives differ as to what constitutes "high register" based on the music you listen to....:)
Screaming and falsetto should not count in this list. That's technically not a "higher register" I reckon.

Otherwise, is there any higher than King Diamond I ask ya? Nope. None more higher.

Thread Resurrection!!!!!!!!!!! (Hasn't been resurrected since April.)

Jamming Watchtower this morning. Demos with Jason McMaster (who later went on to sing in the more commercial Dangerous Toys). These guys were so fucking technical, yet they thrashed!

Back in the day they played with everybody from Anthrax to Slayer to Helstar to Trouble.

All around good shit.
Papa Josh said:
Yeah, I was referring more to the "clean" singers as opposed to guys that just screech into the microphone... take a look at my list and then consider it.
Tobias Sammet = Bruce Dickinson + Geoff Tate

New EP round the corner, oh my fucking lordy lordy....
