Favorite Books, Authors.......

The Scourge

Suicide Machine
May 26, 2003
Drowning in a sea of addictions
Since all of us Katatonia fans are highbrow and of the most intellectual persuasion, I assume that most of you must read in your spare time. Just like the thread says, post your favorite books or authors, or what you are currently reading. I just finished with the first 5 books of the Dark Tower series by Stephen King(the best epic since Lord of The Rings or Herbert's Dune Chronicles), and am now rereading the books of the Art(The Great and Secret Show and Everville) by my favorite author, Clive Barker. So post away you refined and sophisticated Katafans!!
I usually read books for my education, sociology, psychology and philosophical books.
2 weeks ago i started reading a book about the life of Hitler. From a little baby, till the biggest baby.
Frank Herbert rules! (the Dune episodes) although i don't have the patience to read that books.
Just remembered, i am reading 'the two towers'. I guess i have to start all over, cause it's been over a jear now since i really read a few pages of that book.
I'm starting psychology next year, and I've been interested in psychology since I was younger, like 13 (now I'm 21). My mom's a psychologist and she has lots of books of psychology so I usually take and read some. Now I'm reading one of the three big books of Sigmund Freud. My mom likes him but not that much. I do, and these books have interesting things for me, but they're so damn long, heh.
Then I like Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer and I have his book "Rimas", all about poetry, things he wrote.. so beautiful, well, I like it.
I also love to read about places I like, like countries etc (Sweden, for example), and about cats (I'm a cat lover heh) and about Egypt, the gods and all that stuff, I really like that.
And I'm planning to buy some Nieztche books and some of Stephen King also. Clive Barker's also a very good one I like.
unfortunately i didn't have much time in the last couple of weeks for other books than for such i need for my frothcoming exams. for all that i try to vary the stuff, otherwise i'm getting bored. at this moment, by the way, i read over some stories by Ambrose Bierce. i like this kind of mystic veiled themes and authors like Poe, Lovecraft ("The Case Charles Dexter Ward" - my fave written by him). i don't find Steven King to my mind although he's known as classic in this genre, i just prefer the more refined scheme.
and i really enjoy good written detective novels, based on real criminalistic methods, knowledge, etc. no tall-stories or banal, boring murders. lately i've discovered Henning Mankell, it was Villospår i read, it's gripping!
i like the french symbolists as well (Baudelair, Rimbaud, Verlain) although the russian don't give way to them. so i got to the russian literature - i've grown up with it and it's still my weakness: Dostoevskij (i guess everyone has to read him more than once to understand and follow the thread of his thoughts, endless ego themes to debate with yourself.. at least that's the way it always happens to me), Bulgakov, Turgenev, Tchehov...

and there're some more fave authors..
I read almost every day ( I have no television...) and there would be a very long list of authors actually..

I´ve just finished Neil Gaiman "Neverwhere", very nice book...
I also like Dostoevstkij, the Idiot in particular...and French poets such as Baudelaire and Rimbaud...
Mhh maybe one of the best books of world literature is Dante Alighieri "La Divina Commedia" (the divine Commedy), even if it is quite difficult to read, but I pick it up every now and then to read some pages of great poetry.
The list of good authors is long...maybe I´ll write again later, now I have to go to work...
haven't read enough to really know the best authors yet, but some of my fav. books are Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, A Confederacy of Dunces
and such... kind of amusing books would be my type. right now I'm reading a book written by Paulo Coelho called the Alchemist, it's a pretty little book, I feel quite ashamed about liking it since theres a recommendation written by Madonna on the cover of it :S :]
but hey - I'm only 15! (that's my excuse for everything, I know)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is great, indeed.

Catch-22, King Rat, and Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas were other books I enjoyed. I need to start reading some more Tolkien...
AngelinaBlakkheim said:
And I'm planning to buy some Nieztche books and some of Stephen King also. Clive Barker's also a very good one I like.
Just curious, what are your favorites of Clive Barker? I would probably have to say Imajica, simply because of the amazing scope and delivery.
Fave book ever is probably "The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, though I haven't been reading it for years by now.
Another fave one whom I was so much into in the past was H.P. Lovecraft and some of his tales are still nowadays among my faves, such as "The Dunwich Horror"!
Does anyone here like him?
A writer I'm very much into in these last 5 years is Irvine Welsh, the one of "Trainspotting", if you remember - and I think my fave book so far of him is "Filth", though I still have to read one - can't remember the original English title now.
Another fave one is becoming Brett Easton Ellis, with "American Psycho" and "Glamorama"; hope to read even all his other books soon.
I also quite like Stephen King, but I've only read a couple of books; I've mainly seen the moovies taken from his writings... and this is tooooo bad, I know.
You know, I just read on blabbermouth.net that Therion will be releasing two albums simultaneously. But what's more, there is a song on the second album that is called Quetzalcoatl, which is the name of Lilith's(the queen of hell) son in Clive Barker's last adult novel, Coldheart Canyon. To me, this is so exciting, especially considering the fact that one of metal's most classically minded composers is going to pay homage to one of the world's fantasy masters. Surely it will amaze and rock!!!!!:rock: