Favorite Childhood cartoon/tvshow

When I was a lad, I used to watch Mr. Rogers, and Seseme Streen religiously. I then switched to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and lastly was Dragon Warrior (A cartoon based on the RPG. Anyone seen it?). Then in my teen years I went on-and-off with japanese anime.
"Los Caballeros del Zodiaco"
The zodiac knights...that show introduced exteme violence in cartoons to me even if i was a bit old at the time the show got air time here....
I liked Sesame Street but I never got a thing back then. Now I can see why.. I love its sense of humour now but it certainly was TOO much for a 8-year-old or something.
I also watched G.I. Joe and TM Ninja Turtles :loco:
yea those are nice but there is nothing like watching gore and exesive violence as a kid. I grew up with things like the zodiac knights, mortal kombat, blood, and so on. It is really constructive to look back at all the friends i have and see a bunch of normal people just proving violence does nothing to a kid.
of course, teenage mutant ninja turtles was one of my favorite cartoons, but who could forget ghostbusters! i remember i was obsessed with that show when i was a little kid. i had pretty much every single damn ghostbuster toy that existed and there is some hilarious home-video footage i found about a year ago showing me when i was about 6 and my brother who was 5 playing with the toys. i was running around the house loaded down with the ghostbuster gear and my little brother was supposed to be a ghost and the whole thing ended with him crying cuz i had thrown that ghost-trapping thing at his head. it was hilarious, i couldn't stop laughing at myself :lol:
It was all about Bugs Bunny and The Road Runner when I was a kid (and damn, that was a long time ago).

And there was Sesame Street, Davey and Goliath, The Thunderbirds, Speed Racer, Magilla Gorilla, Snagglepuss, Mighty Mouse, Atom Ant - and others.
This is bringing back some memories. I guess all I have to add is the Smurfs. There was a show I vaguely remember...I think it was called 'David the Gnome' or something like that. Oh yeah, Fraggle Rock was good also.
Looney Tunes and Scooby Doo when I was wee, and some Japanimation thing that had four guys and one chick who flew planes or something like that. Oh and the Smurfs too.

Then later the Pink Panther, Thundercats and Transformers.

Still prefer cartoons to real TV, but now it's the Tick and Gargoyles.
Jumaru!! This cartoon rulez :)

Originally posted by llamaura
and some Japanimation thing that had four guys and one chick who flew planes or something like that.

Saber-Riders and the Star-Sheriff I think.. something like that.. but it was 3 guys and a chick.. Yeah.. Fireball kicked ass:)