Favorite concept albums

After thinking some more on this topic, I came up with one more than I can't believe no one has listed......Judas Priest - Nostradamus. In my humble opinion a very underrated CD. Doesn't have the in-your-face rips like "Painkiller" or "Screaming for Vengeance", but solid none the less.

COMPLETELY AGREE!!!! While they are my favorite band and that was my second favorite album of that year, there's just so many great concept albums. It would probably be in my top 10 though.
Slough Feg's Traveler is -essential-.

Power metal that doesn't forget to bring the power.
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Ayreon - Into The Electric Castle and The Human Equation

Marillion - Misplaced Childhood

Rick Wakeman - Journey to the Centre of the Earth (though you could add a pile of others here as well, Six Wives of Henry VIII for example)

Iced Earth - The Dark Saga, can we say Gettysburg? Short but badass.

Heavenly - Dust to Dust

Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery and Imagination

King Diamond - Abigail

Savatage - Wake of Magellan

Vanden Plas - Christ O

obviously Mindcrime like most everyone else.

Pink Floyd - The Wall

Jethro Tull - Thick As a Brick

Kamelot - The Black Halo

There are others....but these are probably my favorites. Lots to choose from though.
my fav's in order,
1. klaatu - hope
2. marillion - misplaced childhood
3. queensryche - operation mindcrime
4. ayreon - human equation
5a. shadow gallery- tyranny & room v
5b. vanden plas - seraphic clockwork.
COMPLETELY AGREE!!!! While they are my favorite band and that was my second favorite album of that year, there's just so many great concept albums. It would probably be in my top 10 though.

I'm a huge Priest fan and I enjoy that album more than I probably should. However I don't think its top ten worthy. I definitely agree that it's underrated by most people who were expecting 'Painkiller 2' when they released the 'Nostradamus' single at first. I enjoy it simply because it's vibe kinda reminds me of the 70's Priest and for that alone makes me happy.
King Diamond - Them/Abigail/Conspiracy/Voodoo
Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime
Rhapsody - Power of the Dragonflame
Seventh Wonder - Mercy Falls