favorite/least favorite cover songs


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
just heard the xasthur cover of katatonia's "palace of frost" and thought i'd start a thread about cover songs...love em? hate em? what's yer guys' take?

of course "all along the watchtower" wins easily
i like cover songs that pay tribute (respectful and mocking ways both accepted) while making the song their own. the only covers that bother me are when a band plays the damn song incorrectly due to lack of ability.

Type O Negative has the best covers.
Favourites off the top of my head

Dark Fortress - Endtime (Katatonia)
Emperor - A fine day to die (Bathory)
Nasheim - Blood fire death (Bathory)
Blind Guardian - Beyond the realms of death (Judas Priest)
Skyclad - Dreamer deceiver (Judas Priest)
that Nokturnal Mortum of WASP's Wild Child that Erik posted awhile back was completelly priceless.
Plzdatemekthx said:
Sepultura were good at covers for a bit. War, that one Celtic Frost song, etc.

and then they started covering their own songs jumpdafuckup style live and just fucked everything up :loco:
hahaha man that video makes me so depressed. i never NEVER heard that feel/vibe to Roots before you posted them shitz. that drummer played like he was in 311, Igor should've swallowed him.
that was Soulfly ... I am talking about new style Sep ... they been sucking lately too
ohhhhhh. i haven't heard anything past ummm, Nation. and i only made it a few tracks in before shutting it off. do you ever spin that last Soulfly album? i remember you digging it when it came out, but haven't heard anything since. terminally shelved? :loco:
it's really good ... but suffers from the Enemy of God syndrome ... good but too familiar too fast ... needs more Kayo flavor :loco:
Not a huge fan of covers...

anyway, Dead Can Dance's Black Sun by Antimatter is great. As for the worst, my vote goes to A Perfect Circle for their cover of John Lennon's Imagine...talk about destroying a classic. Sound of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel) by Nevermore is just plain horrible too.
usually dont care for covers if they just play the song exactly like the original, its so boring and pointless*. the best covers are the ones where the band has applied their own sound to it. i was just listening to 'the final countdown' played on kazoos. pretty cool.

* i guess live could be an exception, but its still better if they put their own flavoUr on it.