Favorite non-Damnation clean song

Maybe I missed someone listing it...but A FAIR JUDGEMENT anyone??? come on!

That's one of their longest (and best) clean songs!

But I do love Harvest, Benighted, and Face of Melinda as well....

In fact, I listened to still life today and it seems to me that that album is a bit different from all the others, I think its because of the warmer sound of the music, not as bleak as the others, and even the "grim reaper" vocals aren't as threatening...is this just me noticing this?
Don Corleone said:
probably benighted...and only because of the lyrics. simply amazing
the music is excellent, too oc course

but the lyrics...they are really really exceptionally good
anyone agree with me on that?
yea benighted does have great lyrics...theyre actually pretty simple, and thats what I like about them
To Bid You Farewell. It's an easy pick for me, I absolutely love that song, even if the acoustic part is a little long. I can't tell if it seems that way out of fault of the acoustic section itself or just because the end is so awesome..
I would have to go for Credence. I'm hooked!

*strange silhouettes, whisper your thoughts, scream your sadness
and the all turned away, unable to face more of this death* (how beautiful!)