Favorite SciFi/Fantasy Authors?

OMG!! I'm so pleased to meet people reading my type of books.

To include all favorite authors my list will be quite long. Here's the short version:

Terry Pratchett
J K Rowling ;)
Anne McCaffrey

Lois M Bujold (the Vorkosigan saga)
Robert Silverberg
Frederik Pohl
L Ron Hubbard
Orson Scott Card
Robert Heinlein
Isaac Asimov

and many of the above mentioned
i read those gormenghast books. thats a good description a few posts back. very weird -- check them out for something very different in fantasy. and the third ( i think), final book goes off in a total other direction and style and fucks with your head pretty good.
i love frank herbert (only read the dune books though), tolkien... a few things by orson scott card, although hes a bit more youth oriented and im very old (22).
i just read a totally tripped out sci fi book called "all my sins remembered" by joe haldeman. i think its out of print but it is awesome, so anyone who can track it down should. i am very serious. this book rules. anybody else know it?
Tolkien is a favourite. I have recently read "The deeds of Paksennarrion" by Elizabeth Moon. Its an amazing trilogy in a medevil/fantasy setting.

R.A. Salvatore
Weis & Hickman
Stephen D. Sullivan
Douglas Niles

I could go on and on.:spin:
i've just finished reading the first in david farlands trilogy, not sure if it's a trilogy, there are three books out but i'm not sure if it ends after the third, perhaps some of you guys know? anyway, it was quite good i thought, a nice little world he has created.
Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy; Dirk Gently)
Rob Grant (Red Dwarf)
Doug Naylor (Red Dwarf)
William Gibson (Neuromancer trilogy; Idoru; Virtual light)
Robert Heinlen (The Green Hills of Earth)
Frederick Pohl (Black Star Rising)
Micheal Swanwick (I've only read Iron Dragon's Daughter, and it's one of my fav books of all time :))

Elizabeth Moon (Legacy of Gird books; Deed of Paksenarrion trilogy)
Piers Anthony (Xanth)
Robert Jordan (I think that's his name [Wheel Of Time])
Peter David (Sir Apropos of Nothing [I think he also did the spiderman movie book, of all things])

And so on; a few dozen more authors for both genres. These are just ones who came to mind :)
Originally posted by BigFakeSmile
i read those gormenghast books. thats a good description a few posts back. very weird -- check them out for something very different in fantasy. and the third ( i think), final book goes off in a total other direction and style and fucks with your head pretty good.

I have the BBC mini series on DVD. Very cool story; I want to get the books.

Originally posted by Chuut-Riit
Cool. Do you like Larry Niven (Ringworld, Man - Kzin Wars,etc) ?

I own a couple of Niven books, but only read one...didn't do much for me (Book about time travel and this bigass tree on some planet...don't remember the name).
"The integral Trees", I suppose..well, I didn't read it, so I can not say what I think of it - I own all th Ringworld Books and the first three Parts of the Man-Kzin-Wars Series. Funny stuff :)
Which other Niven books do you own?
Originally posted by Jinx
For fantasy Tolkein is a must...

That's a lie :p

and so is Garth Nix. Garth Nix also falls a little bit underneath the science fiction category.

And so is that :p

Hmm it looks as though I'm going to have to take down the names of some of the authors you guys have talked about. Jesus, I'm behind on my reading.

PAKSENARRION! GIRD!!! Don't be an Erin; read what I reccomend :p