Favorite Shredder

Speaking of shredding I was watching an interview last night with Billy Connolly and that guy can fucking throw down on a banjo. I had no idea! He is one funny bastard
Saucy_Jack said:
Don't forget that bad mo'fucka from RATT

Warren de Martini, yep he's pretty good too.
Robbin Crosby was the other one, the one who died, from AIDS caught using I.V. drugs. A real sorry tale of someone who could have had it all, and a cautionary tale for anyone who thinks using smack might be cool. Hearing how he was constantly fucked over by his mates and his ex, who nicked his guitars and flogged them, not to mention the way he pawned the others, truly chills the blood!
Oh yeah, and another one I forgot:

George Lynch.

Great guitarist, not so impressed with the hair though!! Whatever happened to him? ("Thank you, drive through")