Favorite Shredder

TheAssMaster said:
Paul Gilbert - fucking superb, never fails to make me grin like a wanking Jap sipping vinegar when I have seen him live. Plays those super-fast alternate picked runs behind his head somewhere, and you think he's going to fuck it up at any moment.......but he doesn't. Blinding!!!!

Michael Schenker - Because.....!

Joe Satriani - For playing "tunes" rather than just shredding.

Zakk Wylde - For being a piss artist.

Gary Holt & Rick Hunolt - Truly Bonded by Blood, a real team.

Soooooooooo many others too.....

Nice picks...

Eric Johson is one of the most versatile guitarists I've ever heard, but his albums mostly suck. Cliffs of Dover is an all time guitar instrumental classic.
schenkadere said:
Buckethead is awesome...he's one of the only true originals out there.
Very unique, amazing even, but I can't listen to Buckethead all day. Actually its hard for me to listen to an entire album at once.
Uli jon roth
Jimmy Page
Eddie van halen
Randy Rhodes
Scott ian .... hahah just kidding

jks_III said:
Mommy I don't want to kill him, he's my friend. Shut up and kill, kill, kill for mommy. Oh and be a good boy and take off my dress before you do it.
Jimmy Page (Huge Zeppelin fan)
Schenker UFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two other "uncommon choices"

Robert Quine
Andy Gill
schenkadere said:
Yeah...Angelo is very goofy...he's got some great technical appeal, but that's about it.

That's why I like Amott...he hasn't completely lost his blues roots. His major influences are Frank Marino and Michael Schenker. I can hear Schenker all over his playing...that'a probably why I like him so much.

To the other guy...Stump may be a dick, but Spitz isn't even in the same league as a player. He must have been drunk or something.:err:

There are a lot of amazing shredders out there now. Guitar technique has been elevated to a new level, but originality has been lost.

I'm not saying Spitz is god but Stump just didnt come off as "Mr. Guitar Dominance", yes he is good--hell of a better soloist than I but he just reminded me of an Yngwie wanna be. I saw him 3 times with Belladonna and each time was the same. You may have seen him play originals, and yes it may be a bit unfair to judge him against a different guitarists music but he just doesnt do it for me. As they say opinions are like assholes....
Buzzard said:
Uli jon roth
Jimmy Page
Eddie van halen
Randy Rhodes
Scott ian .... hahah just kidding


Uli Jon Roth...absolutely...another true original...totally underrated and underrecognized.

Al DiMeola...yup...one of the finest technicians I've ever seen.

Billy, no Schenker on your list?...for shame!!!
DeathsHead said:
I'm not saying Spitz is god but Stump just didnt come off as "Mr. Guitar Dominance", yes he is good--hell of a better soloist than I but he just reminded me of an Yngwie wanna be. I saw him 3 times with Belladonna and each time was the same. You may have seen him play originals, and yes it may be a bit unfair to judge him against a different guitarists music but he just doesnt do it for me. As they say opinions are like assholes....

I understand what you're saying...and you're right...he is a Yngwie wanna be...another clone. Yngwie gets a lot of shit, but he was the start of the neo-classical shit. Actually, Uli Jon Roth started it much earler, but Yngwie quickly brought it to a different level.
CC Deville was a huge influence on me - he influenced me not to start taking smack and to stop eating pies.

Buckethead? I think I fucked his sister Bucketcunt.

Scott Ian is a fine example of someone who could have been one of the very best, had he not disappeared up his own arsehole.

How about adding:

Jake E Lee - the Badlands LPs were fine Heavy Rock, and that "Fine Pink Mist" he did wasn't bad either.

Rob Cavestany - Death Angel continue to be one of my favourites, they just seem to have picked up where they left off a few years ago, without jumping on any nu-metal bandwagon. A fine riff-master!!

Tony Iommi - Obvious, but I HAD to put him down too.
TheAssMaster said:
CC Deville was a huge influence on me - he influenced me not to start taking smack and to stop eating pies.

Buckethead? I think I fucked his sister Bucketcunt.

Scott Ian is a fine example of someone who could have been one of the very best, had he not disappeared up his own arsehole.

How about adding:

Jake E Lee - the Badlands LPs were fine Heavy Rock, and that "Fine Pink Mist" he did wasn't bad either.

Rob Cavestany - Death Angel continue to be one of my favourites, they just seem to have picked up where they left off a few years ago, without jumping on any nu-metal bandwagon. A fine riff-master!!

Tony Iommi - Obvious, but I HAD to put him down too.

I had that Death Angel Act III...what a terrific piece of crap!!! No offense.

Jake E. Lee is another underrated guitarist.