Buckethead is pretty good and a little strange. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXxl71OSnTE&search=buckethead
Salvatore said:And Chet atkins can fuck some shit up! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJlgeqQF_D8&search=chet atkins
TheAssMaster said:Paul Gilbert - fucking superb, never fails to make me grin like a wanking Jap sipping vinegar when I have seen him live. Plays those super-fast alternate picked runs behind his head somewhere, and you think he's going to fuck it up at any moment.......but he doesn't. Blinding!!!!
Michael Schenker - Because.....!
Joe Satriani - For playing "tunes" rather than just shredding.
Zakk Wylde - For being a piss artist.
Gary Holt & Rick Hunolt - Truly Bonded by Blood, a real team.
Soooooooooo many others too.....
Very unique, amazing even, but I can't listen to Buckethead all day. Actually its hard for me to listen to an entire album at once.schenkadere said:Buckethead is awesome...he's one of the only true originals out there.
jks_III said:Mommy I don't want to kill him, he's my friend. Shut up and kill, kill, kill for mommy. Oh and be a good boy and take off my dress before you do it.
Ra HAhAHAHAHA!gaschamber said:cc deville
Saucy_Jack said:Anyone ever heard Tommy Emmanuel play, especially on an acoustic? He is wicked.
schenkadere said:Yeah...Angelo is very goofy...he's got some great technical appeal, but that's about it.
That's why I like Amott...he hasn't completely lost his blues roots. His major influences are Frank Marino and Michael Schenker. I can hear Schenker all over his playing...that'a probably why I like him so much.
To the other guy...Stump may be a dick, but Spitz isn't even in the same league as a player. He must have been drunk or something.
There are a lot of amazing shredders out there now. Guitar technique has been elevated to a new level, but originality has been lost.
Buzzard said:Uli jon roth
Jimmy Page
Eddie van halen
Randy Rhodes
Scott ian .... hahah just kidding
DeathsHead said:I'm not saying Spitz is god but Stump just didnt come off as "Mr. Guitar Dominance", yes he is good--hell of a better soloist than I but he just reminded me of an Yngwie wanna be. I saw him 3 times with Belladonna and each time was the same. You may have seen him play originals, and yes it may be a bit unfair to judge him against a different guitarists music but he just doesnt do it for me. As they say opinions are like assholes....
TheAssMaster said:CC Deville was a huge influence on me - he influenced me not to start taking smack and to stop eating pies.
Buckethead? I think I fucked his sister Bucketcunt.
Scott Ian is a fine example of someone who could have been one of the very best, had he not disappeared up his own arsehole.
How about adding:
Jake E Lee - the Badlands LPs were fine Heavy Rock, and that "Fine Pink Mist" he did wasn't bad either.
Rob Cavestany - Death Angel continue to be one of my favourites, they just seem to have picked up where they left off a few years ago, without jumping on any nu-metal bandwagon. A fine riff-master!!
Tony Iommi - Obvious, but I HAD to put him down too.