favorite thrash metal band of all time

Weow, quit a party yesterday in Holland !!!!
Gama Bomb and Torture Squad are very fine thrash bands, but still, those oldies of Exodus and Overkill have a bunch more power in the house. Exodus was very good but Overkill absolutely slayed. Reminds me why they were one of my fav bands back in the 80's. They played alot of old stuff and the crowd went crazy. A guy even dived from the balcony...cool to see!! Vocalist Bobby blitz lives in Holland these days and the even sung the local area anthem in Dutch. Almost all in the sold out hall sung along. This weekend was also carnaval in Holland, almost a holy holliday in this area of Holland even, so people were quit in a happy mood. Haha, when we drove back we fueled up at a quit remote gas station. Behind the counter was a lady dressed as a pig, that was a great laugh !!
It again was a little fest that can be added as "excellent" in the metal archives !!

some of the songs Overkill played;
Rotten To The Core
Feel The Fire
Deny The Cross
In Union We Stand
Fuck You
Hello From The Gutter
Evil Never Dies
Playing With Spiders (?)
Skull And Bones
That is great !! Sounds like you had a good time. I was never really big into Overkill on disc, but I have seen them live in the early 90's twice and they were fantastic. Sounds like that was a good show.


Weow, quit a party yesterday in Holland !!!!
Gama Bomb and Torture Squad are very fine thrash bands, but still, those oldies of Exodus and Overkill have a bunch more power in the house. Exodus was very good but Overkill absolutely slayed. Reminds me why they were one of my fav bands back in the 80's. They played alot of old stuff and the crowd went crazy. A guy even dived from the balcony...cool to see!! Vocalist Bobby blitz lives in Holland these days and the even sung the local area anthem in Dutch. Almost all in the sold out hall sung along. This weekend was also carnaval in Holland, almost a holy holliday in this area of Holland even, so people were quit in a happy mood. Haha, when we drove back we fueled up at a quit remote gas station. Behind the counter was a lady dressed as a pig, that was a great laugh !!
It again was a little fest that can be added as "excellent" in the metal archives !!

some of the songs Overkill played;
Rotten To The Core
Feel The Fire
Deny The Cross
In Union We Stand
Fuck You
Hello From The Gutter
Evil Never Dies
Playing With Spiders (?)
Skull And Bones
Weow, quit a party yesterday in Holland !!!!
Gama Bomb and Torture Squad are very fine thrash bands,

So Gama Bomb is worth to check? I had been told about them a lot, but I was skeptical because the forum where I read it it's a lot into underground raw (oftenly harsh vocalized) thrash. I need my thrash well played and with good vocals.
So Gama Bomb is worth to check? I had been told about them a lot, but I was skeptical because the forum where I read it it's a lot into underground raw (oftenly harsh vocalized) thrash. I need my thrash well played and with good vocals.

Yeah, I like Gama Bomb more than Torture Squad becouse they have cleaner vocals. Torture Squad is kinda on the thin line in between harsh and thrash vocals.

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For me, Gama Bomb are far better than Torture Squad. However my problem with that kind of bands (Gama Bomb, Evile, Bonded By Blood, Fueled By Fire...) is that if you have listened thousand of thrash metal bands from the 80´s it´s difficult to find "new things". After 5 or 6 listenings the next one uses to be a thrash classic and not the new ones.

I´ll go to Madrid show on saturday. OverKill are amazing live but the set list is toooooooooooooo short. IMO, it´s a shame playing only 12 songs being headliner.
Hell, quite a few bands have at least one "awesome" neckbreaking thrash album. I'm not even sure I can pick just one band but forced to chose I would say Kreator or Slayer both bands have released five unstoppable headbanging onslaughts in a row.

I think he means that he's going to buy an album each by Metal Church and Deliverance and would like us to recommend something. If I assume correctly, I would like to derail the thread slightly and recommend the debut or the Dark by Metal Church..
Agreed, although Blessing is mindblowing and completes my metal church holy trinity.

To rerail: What about Nuclear Assault? I only have Game Over, The Plague, Survive and Handle with Care.. but those are all quality releases IMO. Have they released anything else of value, and if so - don't they deserve to be mentioned?

Edit: Too slow :)
NA were so awesome but they fizzed out around Handle with Care. I hear the new disc is rather meh so I'm not in a hurry to hear it.