I'm a big fan of Dreadnaught's first album, Flowers is simply brilliant. I've actually got their demo before the album lying around somewhere, i got it for $1 !! It's got Playing with Knives and Twisted prayer on it too... Down to zero is okay, not as good as the first one, way too much "rock" for me, not enough "FUCKING METAL BITCH" for me
Alarum are a class act, although i don't like the idea of the vocoder vocals on the pre-production demo...! Scary thought!
Segression's LIA is pretty decent, some of it is great, some of it is not. Their new stuff is just :eck: bad.
Allegiance, great band, both of their cd's were great... First on was better, destitution, although skinman was pretty good, if not a little too 'hardcore' for me.
The wolves are pretty damn good, although i've only heard a few songs, i can't get my hands on anything they've released/haven't released
and of course my band Unthroned!!
Nice name. Dethroned anyone?