Favourite drum action?


Jan 16, 2008
For example a song that has awesome drumming or maybe just an amazing fill or something?

The drumming in Egypt is SO cool! And I also love the pattern in The Odyssey (or what ever it is in English) that starts around 5:00. Simply Great! :p
Frontiers and Death of Balance are obviously great.

I also really like the whole PL album. You might think it's strange, but for me the best drum fill on there is at 3:15 on The Sacrifice. Simple, but just so solid and the exact right thing for that moment. The off-beat china, the dakka dakka on the snare and then the over-the-bar, in-your-face finish with the crashes on 1 and 2 constitute one phat rock groove fill to go with the climax in the guitar solo. Jason doesn't abuse his chops for every fill and that is a sign of a great drummer.

He also has some good action in other places (little solo at the end of Dressed to Kill); really too many to list. Jason is the perfect drummer for Symphony X and really completes the music.
The drums in the first three minutes of Babylon are so amazing... I can't understand how they can played by humans.

The drum mix on PL is also outstanding. Perfect snare drum sound.

Also, Jason has a sick new Tama kit, one of those special edition ones made out of Bubinga wood I believe it was. Looks and sounds great...it's only missing a second kick drum, hehe. :headbang:
Speaking of drums, does anyone feel like making drum tabs for some of the PL songs?

Idk if there is really a point? Professional drummers called in to play songs usually don't have full-out tabs, but rather a lead sheet that gives general marking points for the different sections and such. And drummers can and do vary the content in songs much more than melodical instruments, since it's more of the underlying rhythm that matters than the exact notes played. Jason himself doesn't play the songs the exact same way twice...I don't think there is as much utility to be had tabbing out the drums as opposed to tabbing out a specific guitar riff, because in the former, you can hit any combination of toms in a given fill and it will sound similar, but in the latter, you gotta hit the exact right notes to make it sound the same.
Actually there is a lot of point as there are some pretty complex rythms going on and it takes more time to learn all that by just listening. Drum tabs make things a lot easier I think.

But back to thead, you have to mention the awesome drum part in Divine Wings at 2.45. Damn it's cool.
Frontiers and Death of Balance are obviously great.

I also really like the whole PL album. You might think it's strange, but for me the best drum fill on there is at 3:15 on The Sacrifice. Simple, but just so solid and the exact right thing for that moment. The off-beat china, the dakka dakka on the snare and then the over-the-bar, in-your-face finish with the crashes on 1 and 2 constitute one phat rock groove fill to go with the climax in the guitar solo. Jason doesn't abuse his chops for every fill and that is a sign of a great drummer.

He also has some good action in other places (little solo at the end of Dressed to Kill); really too many to list. Jason is the perfect drummer for Symphony X and really completes the music.

Where's this "Frontiers" song you guys are talking about from?? Not meaning to be blasphemic, but I like Tom Walling's intro to "In the Dragon's Den". :kickass::heh: He did some great work on the entire album. Of Rullo's work, I most enjoy his fast drumming in "Eve of Seduction" and "The Accolade", the final part.
The album 'Paradise Lost' comes first in my mind for groove playing...The Death Balance of Lacrymosa is my favt
Where's this "Frontiers" song you guys are talking about from?? Not meaning to be blasphemic, but I like Tom Walling's intro to "In the Dragon's Den". :kickass::heh: He did some great work on the entire album. Of Rullo's work, I most enjoy his fast drumming in "Eve of Seduction" and "The Accolade", the final part.

It was a bonus track on the Japan version (why does Japan always get bonus tracks from EVERY band? Is there some Japan-always-gets-a-bonus-track tradition?). You can also download it from the official site.


Tom Walling did a great job on that album, but his fills were a bit repetitive, always using the hand-foot combo fills. (If you're not a drummer, they are the ones that sound really fast but are actually very easy to do since you are splitting up the work between your hands and feet.)
Tom Walling did a great job on that album, but his fills were a bit repetitive, always using the hand-foot combo fills. (If you're not a drummer, they are the ones that sound really fast but are actually very easy to do since you are splitting up the work between your hands and feet.)

You mean like these?


With t, T, and F being various toms, s is snare, b is bass drum.
It was a bonus track on the Japan version (why does Japan always get bonus tracks from EVERY band? Is there some Japan-always-gets-a-bonus-track tradition?). You can also download it from the official site.


Tom Walling did a great job on that album, but his fills were a bit repetitive, always using the hand-foot combo fills. (If you're not a drummer, they are the ones that sound really fast but are actually very easy to do since you are splitting up the work between your hands and feet.)

Nice song! How could I have missed it? Thanks for the info.
Nice song! How could I have missed it? Thanks for the info.

Great song indeed. Unfortunately, there's pretty much a zero percent chance it will ever be played live. I asked Lepond about it after a show, and he said we'd never hear it. Such a shame! I know the lyrical theme isn't really typical Symphony X (which is why MJR didn't want it on The Odyssey, I believe), but it's an awesome song. I think it's way better than the "filler" tracks on The Odyssey, by far.
Actually there is a lot of point as there are some pretty complex rythms going on and it takes more time to learn all that by just listening. Drum tabs make things a lot easier I think.

But back to thead, you have to mention the awesome drum part in Divine Wings at 2.45. Damn it's cool.

One of my favourites beats, by far. I tabbed that part out a while ago in these forums, and I recently recorded a video of me playing it. If somebody can find me a program that'll allow me to convert mp4 files to other video types, I'd gladly post it!
One of my favourites beats, by far. I tabbed that part out a while ago in these forums, and I recently recorded a video of me playing it. If somebody can find me a program that'll allow me to convert mp4 files to other video types, I'd gladly post it!

I'd like to see your tabbed version and video. It's a great beat, I love the ride cymbal action going on.
I made a video with my cell phone (don't worry, quality is great - thank you, Nokia N95!). I'll see what I can do to get it posted. The phone makes videos in MP4 format which isn't a file I can upload to YouTube, but I'll get it on here for ya... wait, I think I tried to upload onto Facebook, not YouTube... it may work!