Favourite Popular Artist/Group Thread


Broken Parts Club
Feb 3, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
It seems alot of you guys really enjoy popular mainstream music, so I thought it a good idea to make a thread where you can discuss or just list what some of your favourites are.

I'm talking modern day stuff here, whether it be Elton John to Oasis, Mariah Carey to Blur, Christina to Britany, Black Eyed Pea's to Nickelback etc etc.

And if you think your too metal for mainstream music or you think it's only for fags and homo's, then please STFU!
there's few bands these days that are truly in the mainstream that i think are worthwhile at all. tool is okay, tmv is good if you consider them mainstream. other than that i can't really think of anything.
I can't stand Wolfmother for some reason. Like Jet, they just seem too much like ripoffs. Anyway, I like the Foo Fighters (early stuff especially), The Living End, The Smashing Pumpkins and I don't mind Coldplay either. The reason the list is so short is that A) it's just off the top of my head and B) I've been busy concerning myself with the 70s and more unknown/non-mainstream 90s bands.

Edit: Forgot about Tool and Radiohead too.
there were tons of good bands popular in the 90's and there's plenty of popular groups still making music from eras gone by that are great. i guess i was only considering bands that are at their peak of popularity and relevance right now.
I dig Smashing Pupmkins too, i love The Cure, and i also like very much some old bands like The Police, The Smiths(fucking great band) and Tears for Fears.
illidurit said:

I mean, they are a well-known band but they are not really as evident as something like Black-Eyed Peas these days, it is like...you don't see Rush's video clips playing all the time like it happens to other mainstream bands.
i aint play this said:
damn right. most people who :ill: them have heard 1-3 songs, which were radio hits. not to mention that the lyrics of those songs starkly contradict the music, which i find quite cool.

as for bands popular now... is björk still popular? i don't listen to radio or watch music tv.