Fuck You Very Much
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:yes, yes he is... and on the whole I like how he sings!
I like SW songs cause their atmosphere is very dark and gloomy... the way I like it!
I go crazy for "In The Shadows"... but it's impossible, and cruel too, to pick only one....all great stuff!
Hmm, I haven't really listened to that song much tbh.

I think I know Lake Bodom, Deadnight Warrior, Red Light pt 1 and Touch Like Angle pretty well but the others I don't know too well. BUt I agree, the atmosphere is definitely there and makes them sound cool. I think it's enough to enhance the songs but not ruin them like some Black Metal ec where the production is terrible but some people say it makes it sound better. Personally, I prefer all the notes to be crystal clear but sometimes there' exceptions.
Fetzer said:Hey stop ignoring me
*jumps in the air*
hey !
*jumps more*